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Results   1 - 25 of 878 records found

Date Related Document Title
Oct 28, 1977 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Regional Columnists.
their son will be home before Christmas . I'm glad to welcome you …
Nov 08, 1977 Jimmy Carter National Energy Plan: Address to the Nation.
overseas trip until after Christmas because of the paramount …
Dec 09, 1977 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Editors and News Directors.
the energy package before Christmas . It all depends on unpredictable … Plains until the day after Christmas , and then I'll come back …
Dec 15, 1977 Jimmy Carter Christmas Pageant of Peace Remarks on Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree
Thank you. Merry Christmas , everybody. This is a time … during the rest of the year. Christmas is also a time of tradition … lighting of the National Christmas Tree. This also commemorates …
Dec 15, 1977 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
a lot of my time over the Christmas holidays reading thick notebooks …
Dec 21, 1977 Jimmy Carter Interstate 75 Dedication Remarks by Telephone to Participants in the Dedication Ceremonies in Marietta, Georgia.
hope will be a very merry Christmas today. THE PRESIDENT. Thank … congratulations again. Merry Christmas to everybody. I'm very proud … Mr. President, and Merry Christmas. THE PRESIDENT. Thank you, George; same to you …
Dec 22, 1977 Jimmy Carter Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters During a Walking Tour of Plains.
are going to go to after Christmas . Then I am going to put the … session when I get back after Christmas just to look at the summary …
Dec 24, 1977 Jimmy Carter Plains, Georgia Exchange With Reporters Following a Meeting With a Group of Farmers.
doubt it. REPORTER. Merry Christmas. THE PRESIDENT. Merry Christmas. I will probably see you later on today …
Dec 24, 1977 Jimmy Carter Christmas 1977 Message of the President,
fellow citizens who celebrate Christmas. This is a very special Christmas for us and our family. We … earth. May you have a merry Christmas and very satisfying and happy New Year. JIMMY CARTER … Christmas 1977 Message of the President …
Dec 25, 1977 Jimmy Carter Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to Visiting Allie Smith.
REPORTER. Merry Christmas . THE PRESIDENT. Same to you … home. REPORTER. Well, on Christmas , you get up early anyway … about 5: 00. Q. Tell us how Christmas has gone so far. THE PRESIDENT …
Dec 25, 1977 Jimmy Carter Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters Alter Visiting Alton Carter.
that a new jacket? Is that a Christmas present? THE PRESIDENT. No … President, what did Amy get for Christmas ? THE PRESIDENT. Well, she … more people in town after Christmas . Q. But it looks a little …
Dec 27, 1977 Jimmy Carter Remarks Announcing the Nomination of James T. Mcintyre, Jr. To Be Director of the Office of Management and Budget
hope all of you had a merry Christmas . It's a great pleasure for …
Jan 12, 1978 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
conference committees just before Christmas . I think that many of the …
Jan 20, 1978 Jimmy Carter Atlanta, Georgia Remarks at the Southern Salute to the President Dinner.
Government. It got so bad this Christmas that when Amy and I sent …
Feb 10, 1978 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Editors and News Directors.
literally day and night since Christmas , trying to work out some …
Feb 16, 1978 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Representatives of Black Media Associations
had a reception for them Christmas ; we had, I think, 1,400 people …
Mar 15, 1978 Jimmy Carter Democratic Congressional Campaign Dinner Remarks at the Dinner.
days. One was just before Christmas , when I got a report that …
May 24, 1978 Jimmy Carter United Service Organizations Remarks at a White House Reception.
while I was overseas. Every Christmas Eve we would put some cookies … who has traditionally led Christmas programs for U.S. servicemen …
Aug 03, 1978 Jimmy Carter Federal Civil Service Reform and Reorganization Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Roundtable Discussion.
Sep 18, 1978 Jimmy Carter Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Camp David Meeting on the Middle East
reciprocated by visiting Ismailia on Christmas Day. That progress continued … and it would be a wonderful Christmas present for the world. Final …
Sep 28, 1978 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
negotiation? And will you consider a Christmas trip. to the Middle East …
Oct 26, 1978 Jimmy Carter Miami Beach, Florida Remarks at a State Democratic Party Rally.
needed. And I pray that before Christmas , I will be going to the Middle …
Nov 17, 1978 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Editors and News Directors.
made the announcement after Christmas . There was a need for us …
Dec 12, 1978 Jimmy Carter Remarks at the White House Congressional Christmas Ball
I would like to say that Christmas is a time for love and for … year, I believe, gave a new Christmas work, "Christmas Music with Peter Duchin." … us help one another enjoy Christmas and enjoy the fellowship …
Dec 14, 1978 Jimmy Carter Christmas Pageant of Peace Remarks on Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree
THE PRESIDENT. Merry Christmas! AUDIENCE. Merry Christmas! THE PRESIDENT. Come on—Merry Christmas, everybody! AUDIENCE. Merry Christmas ! THE PRESIDENT. That's better … those divisions among us. But Christmas is a good time to recall …