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  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   1 - 22 of 22 records found

Date Related Document Title
Mar 07, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1870—Requesting an Extra Session of Congress on Agricultural Relief and Tariff Changes
Mar 22, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1872—Limiting the Immigration of Aliens Into the United States on the Basis of National Origin
Mar 25, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1873—Designating May 1 as Child Health Day
Mar 29, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1874—Creating a Board To Investigate a Labor Dispute Between the Texas and Pacific Railway Company and Its Employees
Apr 12, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1875—Arches National Monument
Apr 23, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1876—Amending the Migratory Bird Regulations
Jun 25, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1882—Colorado River Compact and the Boulder Canyon Project
Jul 18, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1885—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Mexico
Nov 05, 1929 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1895—Thanksgiving Day, 1929
Mar 08, 1930 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1901—Announcing the Death of William Howard Taft
May 28, 1930 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1912—Pan American Day
Jul 03, 1930 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1915—Convening the Senate in Special Session
Oct 22, 1930 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1923—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Brazil
Nov 06, 1930 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1925—Thanksgiving Day, 1930
Dec 19, 1930 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1928—Enlarging the Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico
Mar 02, 1931 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1939—Revoking Embargo on Exportation of Arms and Munitions of War to Brazil
Apr 01, 1931 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1945—Canyon De Chelly National Monument
Nov 03, 1931 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 1974—Thanksgiving Day, 1931
Nov 03, 1932 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 2015—Thanksgiving Day, 1932
Dec 22, 1932 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 2022—Grand Canyon National Monument
Jan 05, 1933 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 2024—Announcing the Death of Calvin Coolidge
Mar 03, 1933 Herbert Hoover Proclamation 2036—Canyon De Chelly National Monument