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Results   101 - 123 of 123 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jul 10, 2015 Barack Obama Proclamation 9298—Establishment of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Oct 30, 2015 Barack Obama Proclamation 9362—National Native American Heritage Month, 2015
November 2015 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans … celebrate November 27, 2015, as Native American Heritage Day … Proclamation 9362—National Native American Heritage Month, 2015 …
Nov 05, 2015 Barack Obama Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session During a Panel Discussion at the White House Tribal Nations Conference
understand Alaska Native and American Indian students more better? And …
Feb 12, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9396—Establishment of the Sand to Snow National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Feb 12, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9394—Establishment of the Castle Mountains National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Feb 12, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9395—Establishment of the Mojave Trails National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Aug 24, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9476—Establishment of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Oct 07, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9522—International Day of the Girl, 2016
And because 84 percent of American Indian and Alaska Native women and …
Oct 31, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9537—National Native American Heritage Month, 2016
destinies. During National Native American Heritage Month, we pledge to maintain … their lives, 84 percent of American Indian and Alaska Native women and … November 2016 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans …
Nov 22, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom
address the mismanagement of American Indian lands, resources, trust funds …
Dec 05, 2016 Barack Obama Executive Order 13751—Safeguarding the Nation From the Impacts of Invasive Species
territories, federally recognized American Indian tribes, Alaska Native Corporations …
Dec 28, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9561—National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2017
youth, Alaska Native and American Indian women and girls, and children …
Dec 28, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9558—Establishment of the Bears Ears National Monument
Dec 28, 2016 Barack Obama Proclamation 9559—Establishment of the Gold Butte National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Jan 12, 2017 Barack Obama Proclamation 9563—Boundary Enlargement of the California Coastal National Monument
uses, consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 …
Oct 31, 2017 Donald J. Trump Proclamation 9669—National Native American Heritage Month, 2017
tapestry. During National Native American Heritage Month, we honor and celebrate … our efforts to strengthen American Indian and Alaska Native communities … November 2017 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans …
Oct 31, 2018 Donald J. Trump Proclamation 9818—National Native American Heritage Month, 2018
During National Native American Heritage Month, we celebrate the legacy … of services delivered to American Indian and Alaska Native communities … Federal recognition to six American Indian Tribes. The formal recognition …
May 03, 2019 Donald J. Trump Proclamation 9879—Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Awareness Day, 2019
violence committed against American Indian and Alaska Native people … most vulnerable populations. American Indian and Alaska Native people … that more than 1.5 million American Indian and Alaska Native women have …
Sep 22, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks With Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India at a "Howdy, Modi: Shared Dreams, Bright Futures" Rally in Houston, Texas
African American, Hispanic American, Indian American, we are going to …
Oct 02, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Sauli Niinistö of Finland and an Exchange With Reporters
African History, and Museum of American Indian History. And in addition …
Oct 02, 2019 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference With President Sauli Niinistö of Finland
African History, and Museum of American Indian History. And in addition …
Oct 31, 2019 Donald J. Trump Proclamation 9961—National Native American Heritage Month, 2019
Indian tribes. During National Native American Heritage Month, we reaffirm our commitment … courageous men and women from American Indian and Alaska Native communities … safety listening sessions with American Indian and Alaska Native tribal …
Nov 26, 2019 Donald J. Trump Executive Order 13898—Establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives
the legitimate concerns of American Indian and Alaska Native communities … missing and murdered members of American Indian and Alaska Native communities … missing or murdered persons in American Indian and Alaska Native communities …