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Results   126 - 150 of 317 records found

Date Related Document Title
Sep 01, 1978 Jimmy Carter Message on the Observance of Labor Day, 1978
On this, the second Labor Day of my Administration, more … good cause to celebrate this Labor Day . In the last 12 months, more … to be thankful for on this Labor Day. JIMMY CARTER …
Aug 30, 1979 Jimmy Carter Labor Day Statement by the President.
Labor Day has traditionally been a … accomplishments. This is the third Labor Day of my Presidency. In these … Labor Day Statement by the President …
Aug 30, 1979 Jimmy Carter Tampa, Florida Question-and-Answer Session With Florida Newspaper Editors.
will come there to celebrate Labor Day . It will be a picnic type …
Sep 03, 1979 Jimmy Carter Remarks at a White House Picnic on Labor Day
at a White House Picnic on Labor Day
Sep 06, 1979 Jimmy Carter Proclamation 4679—National Grandparents Day
Sunday of September following Labor Day of each year as National Grandparents Day …
Apr 29, 1980 Jimmy Carter Energy Conservation in Transportation Remarks at a White House Briefing.
Secretary Goldschmidt by Labor Day , and again at the end of …
Aug 04, 1980 Jimmy Carter Message on the Observance of Labor Day, 1980
to you on this 99th annual Labor Day . This is a time for us all … Message on the Observance of Labor Day, 1980 …
Sep 01, 1980 Jimmy Carter Labor Day Remarks at a White House Picnic for Representatives of Organized Labor
White House. As you all know, Labor Day is a uniquely American celebration … country. But that's not all that Labor Day is about. Labor Day is also about freedom. It's … Labor Day Remarks at a White House …
Sep 01, 1980 Jimmy Carter Tuscumbia, Alabama Remarks at a Campaign Rally at Spring Park.
at the annual Quad-Cities' Labor Day picnic. He was introduced …
Oct 01, 1980 Jimmy Carter Flint, Michigan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Townhall Meeting.
May 06, 1981 Ronald Reagan Statement on the Establishment of the Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities
will deliver to my desk by Labor Day a plan to make better use …
Sep 04, 1981 Ronald Reagan Message on the Observance of Labor Day
in this country, said that Labor Day was a time to pledge ourselves … it, and that's why for him, Labor Day stood for a celebration of … Message on the Observance of Labor Day
Sep 07, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks on Presenting a Check for the Westway Highway Project to Mayor Edward I. Koch in New York, New York
there were days like this Labor Day , here in New York City, when … here have come from another Labor Day celebration; some have not … bureaucracy. And on this Labor Day of 1981, let each of us commit …
Oct 05, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Alliance of Business
creating jobs. As I said on Labor Day , let us make our goal in …
Oct 05, 1981 Ronald Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Out-of-Town Editors
address to the Nation on Labor Day , a TV address on the economy …
May 01, 1982 Ronald Reagan Statement on the Situation in Poland
May 1 is celebrated as Labor Day in many parts of the world …
Aug 11, 1982 Ronald Reagan Remarks in Billings, Montana, at a Celebration 'Marking the Centennial of Billings and Yellowstone County
unemployed would be over by Labor Day , the day we honor the American …
Sep 04, 1982 Ronald Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on the Observance of Labor Day
Nation are preparing for Labor Day parades. And, by the way … anniversary of the first Labor Day parade. It isn't true that … too. Unfortunately, on this Labor Day , however, too many of our …
Sep 05, 1982 Ronald Reagan Message on the Observance of Labor Day
men and women of America on Labor Day . This occasion brings deserved … Message on the Observance of Labor Day
Sep 09, 1982 Ronald Reagan Message on the Observance of Grandparents Day
designated the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents …
Feb 21, 1983 Ronald Reagan Remarks at a Reception Honoring the National Review
intentions sometime before Labor Day . [Laughter] But, this is …
Aug 31, 1983 Ronald Reagan Remarks by Telephone to Crewmembers on Board the Space Shuttle Challenger
landing here in California on Labor Day . God bless all of you. Commander … flying and a happy landing on Labor Day here, here in the USA. Again …
Sep 03, 1983 Ronald Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on the Soviet Attack on a Korean Civilian Airliner and on the Observance of Labor Day
marks the 89th observance of Labor Day , a special day for all Americans … on our minds this weekend-Labor Day . More than any other country … for many Americans on this Labor Day , life is still tough. None …
Sep 04, 1983 Ronald Reagan Message on the Observance of Labor Day
Each Labor Day provides us with an opportunity … Message on the Observance of Labor Day
Sep 10, 1983 Ronald Reagan Message on the Observance of Grandparents Day
designated the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents …