Advanced Search (**case sensitive**)

The Document Archive currently contains 165,655 Records

Tips on how to use advanced search

  • Search terms are case sensitive. Trump ≠ trump
  • From Date and To Date:  To define a date range, provide both fields. To search all documents before or after a specific date, provide only one date. The search will not accept only a year date.
  • Phrase Search:  Use double quotation marks ("). Example: "live in infamy"
  • Wildcards are supported, except for leading wildcards. Example: tes* (would match test, testing, and tester); *est does not work.
  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   1 - 25 of 244 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jun 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump: Obama Is A Horrible Negotiator "We Got Traitor Bergdahl, They Got 5 Killer Terrorists"
Jun 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump on Hillary: I Was Watching Her Talk About Income Inequality...Have You Looked at Her Donor List?
Jun 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump Declares Candidacy for President of the United States
Jun 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump: I Would Build a Great, Great Wall on Our Southern Border and Make Mexico Pay For It
Jun 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump Presidential Announcement
Jun 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Markets Jump for Trump: Dow Up 92 Points After Donald Trump's Announcement
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump-Mania! Donald Trump Allows Woman on Stage to Touch His Hair
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - With All Due Respect
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump: Scott Walker Has 'A Lot of Problems'
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump Answers Viewers' Questions
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump on What Made Him Run for President
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump Speaks at Manchester Rally
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump's Pitch to American Voters
Jun 17, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump's Straight Talk About His 2016 Presidential Bid
Jun 18, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump Exposes Club for Growth's Shakedown Attempt
Jun 18, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump Postpones South Carolina Event
Jun 18, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump's Cult of Personality
Jun 22, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump Files Statement of Candidacy with FEC
Jun 23, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump: He's Built a Hell of a Company, He Should Embrace It
Jun 23, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump: 'Last Person I'd Want Negotiating for Me is Obama'
Jun 26, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump Endorsed by New Hampshire State Representative Stephen Stepanek
Jul 06, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump on Mexico Comments: 'I Can't Apologize for the Truth'
Jul 07, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - O'Reilly: Obama Admin 'Complicit' in Murder of CA Woman by Illegal Immigrant
Jul 07, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Coulter: Trump 'Speaking for Working Class,' 'For African-Americans'
Jul 08, 2015 Donald J. Trump Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump Discusses Business and Politics with Greta Van Susteren