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  • Search terms are case sensitive. Trump ≠ trump
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  • Phrase Search:  Use double quotation marks ("). Example: "live in infamy"
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  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   26 - 50 of 50 records found

Date Related Document Title
Sep 20, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Bombing Near the United States Embassy Annex in Beirut, Lebanon
Sep 20, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters in Norway, Iowa
Oct 02, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on Arrival in Brownsville, Texas
Oct 04, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks Following a Meeting With Republican Members of Congress and Congressional Candidates
Oct 05, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks Following a Meeting With Defense Department Employees
Oct 09, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres of Israel Following Their Meetings
Oct 09, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks on Signing the Older Americans Act Amendments of 1984
Oct 10, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Presidential Campaign
Oct 11, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Debate Between George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro
Oct 12, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Presidential Campaign
Oct 22, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Presidential Campaign
Oct 29, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Presidential Campaign
Nov 01, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on Foreign and Domestic Issues
Nov 03, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters in Winterset, Iowa
Nov 04, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Rochester, Minnesota
Nov 05, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Governor George Deukmejian and Reporters in Sacramento, California
Nov 06, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters While Viewing the Presidential Election Returns
Nov 07, 1984 Ronald Reagan Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Foreign and Domestic Issues
Dec 07, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Foreign and Domestic Issues
Dec 07, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Release of Black Leaders by the Government of South Africa
Dec 14, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Defense Budget
Dec 21, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on Foreign and Domestic Issues
Dec 27, 1984 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on Foreign and Domestic Issues
Jan 02, 1985 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters in Los Angeles, California
Jan 14, 1985 Ronald Reagan Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Wilfried Martens of Belgium