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Tips on how to use advanced search

  • Search terms are case sensitive. Trump ≠ trump
  • From Date and To Date:  To define a date range, provide both fields. To search all documents before or after a specific date, provide only one date. The search will not accept only a year date.
  • Phrase Search:  Use double quotation marks ("). Example: "live in infamy"
  • Wildcards are supported, except for leading wildcards. Example: tes* (would match test, testing, and tester); *est does not work.
  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   101 - 116 of 116 records found

Date Related Document Title
Oct 29, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on the Assault on Paul F. Pelosi, Sr., and an Exchange With Reporters in Wilmington, Delaware
Oct 31, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on Oil Production and Gasoline Prices and an Exchange With Reporters
Nov 02, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on Infrastructure Workforce Training Efforts and an Exchange With Reporters
Nov 04, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on the Midterm Elections and an Exchange With Reporters at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California
Nov 07, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks in an Exchange With Reporters Upon Arrival From Bowie, Maryland
Nov 10, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks in an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Departure for Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Nov 13, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on the United States Midterm Elections and an Exchange With Reporters in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Nov 15, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on the Explosion in Eastern Poland and an Exchange With Reporters in Bali, Indonesia
Nov 24, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks in an Exchange with Reporters Following a Visit with Local Firefighters in Nantucket, Massachusetts
Nov 29, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leadership and an Exchange With Reporters
Dec 02, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on Signing Legislation To Provide a Resolution to Unresolved Disputes Between Railroad Industry Employers and Workers and an Exchange With Reporters
Dec 06, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks in an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Departure for Phoenix, Arizona
Dec 08, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on the Release of Brittney Y. Griner From Detention in Russia and an Exchange With Reporters
Dec 12, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Toys for Tots Program and an Exchange With Reporters at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Virginia
Dec 13, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index Report for November and an Exchange With Reporters
Dec 30, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Remarks in an Exchange With Reporters in Christiansted, Virgin Islands