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Results   1 - 100 of 3416 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jun 20, 1809 James Madison Special Message
received respecting exiles from Cuba arrived or expected within …
Dec 03, 1821 James Monroe Fifth Annual Message
that the Captain-General of Cuba , to whom an application to … to the Captain-General of Cuba , to whom it was directed …
May 06, 1822 James Monroe Special Message
Captain-General of the island of Cuba , he accuses him of dishonorable …
Dec 02, 1823 James Monroe Seventh Annual Message
neighborhood of the island of Cuba had been afflicted have been … government of the island of Cuba , and with the corresponding …
Dec 07, 1824 James Monroe Eighth Annual Message
Jan 13, 1825 James Monroe Special Message
islands, particularly of Cuba , whose chief is known here …
Mar 15, 1826 John Quincy Adams Special Message
condition of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico is of deeper …
Dec 03, 1833 Andrew Jackson Fifth Annual Message
not embrace the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico, discriminating …
Mar 08, 1834 Andrew Jackson Special Message
States and the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico," etc. ANDREW JACKSON …
Dec 01, 1834 Andrew Jackson Sixth Annual Message
our navigation levied in Cuba and Puerto Rico has been …
Jan 29, 1835 Andrew Jackson Special Message
Relating to Commerce with Cuba and Puerto Rico. WASHINGTON …
Dec 08, 1835 Andrew Jackson Seventh Annual Message
commercial intercourse with Cuba stands as regulated by the …
Dec 05, 1837 Martin van Buren First Annual Message
commerce with the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico still labors …
Mar 09, 1840 Martin van Buren Special Message
other than the islands of Cuba , Porto Rico, and the Philippine …
Mar 31, 1840 Martin van Buren Special Message
extradite the Africans to Cuba , where they had been put …
Dec 02, 1845 James K. Polk First Annual Message
Dec 08, 1846 James K. Polk Second Annual Message
Apr 29, 1848 James K. Polk Special Message
and, from its vicinity to Cuba , to the capes of Florida …
Feb 23, 1849 James K. Polk Special Message
authorities in the island of Cuba relating to the imprisonment …
Mar 04, 1849 Zachary Taylor Zachary Taylor Event Timeline
participating in armed invasion of Cuba . 12/04/1849 First Annual …
Aug 11, 1849 Zachary Taylor Proclamation 51—Warning to United States Citizens Against Participating in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
intention to invade the island of Cuba or some of the Provinces … obtain points to the island of Cuba as the object of this expedition … in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
Dec 04, 1849 Zachary Taylor Annual Message
destined to invade the island of Cuba , I deemed it due to the friendly … Orleans to the island of Cuba . I immediately caused such …
Mar 19, 1850 Zachary Taylor Special Message
Nicaragua in the island of Cuba , in the Lake of Nicaragua …
May 24, 1850 Zachary Taylor Special Message
for the port of Santiago de Cuba , to which office he had been …
Jun 03, 1850 Zachary Taylor Special Message
movement in the island of Cuba among the inhabitants of … for the purpose of invading Cuba . It will be seen by that …
Jul 10, 1850 Millard Fillmore Millard Fillmore Event Timeline
in an unlawful invasion of Cuba . 06/05/1851 Harriet Beecher …
Feb 27, 1851 Millard Fillmore Special Message
projected expeditions to Cuba
Apr 25, 1851 Millard Fillmore Proclamation 57—Warning to United States Citizens Against Participating in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
intention to invade the island of Cuba , a colony of Spain, with … in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
Dec 02, 1851 Millard Fillmore Second Annual Message
the previous invasion of Cuba , instead of being discouraged … departed from New Orleans for Cuba , having on board upward of … in the eastern quarter of Cuba . The importance of this movement …
Dec 23, 1851 Millard Fillmore Special Message
respect to the island of Cuba
Dec 23, 1851 Millard Fillmore Special Message
Thrasher in the island of Cuba , I transmit a report from …
Jan 02, 1852 Millard Fillmore Special Message
Thrasher in the island of Cuba , I transmit another report …
Jan 05, 1852 Millard Fillmore Special Message
who were taken prisoners in Cuba and afterwards sent to Spain …
Jun 14, 1852 Millard Fillmore Special Message
persons who unlawfully invaded Cuba in August, 1851. My own views … murdered her subjects in Cuba , in violation of her own …
Jul 13, 1852 Millard Fillmore Special Message
in regard to the island of Cuba , I transmit a report from …
Dec 06, 1852 Millard Fillmore Third Annual Message
reserved. The affairs of Cuba formed a prominent topic … But the Captain-General of Cuba is clothed with no power … possession of the island of Cuba , and should bind themselves …
Jan 04, 1853 Millard Fillmore Special Message
subject of the island of Cuba , I transmit to the Senate …
Mar 04, 1853 Franklin Pierce Franklin Pierce Event Timeline
take the oath of office in Cuba , where he moved hoping to … after returning home from Cuba . 07/10/1853 - 07/22/1853 …
Dec 05, 1853 Franklin Pierce First Annual Message
neighborhood to the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. I am happy … vicinity of the island of Cuba , between our citizens and … and the Captain-General of Cuba , ready explanations can not …
Mar 11, 1854 Franklin Pierce Special Message
H. West in the island of Cuba
Mar 15, 1854 Franklin Pierce Special Message
the Spanish authorities in Cuba , and all attempts to obtain …
Apr 05, 1854 Franklin Pierce Special Message
vessels to enter ports of Cuba, etc …
Apr 08, 1854 Franklin Pierce Special Message
refusal by the authorities of Cuba to permit the United States …
May 31, 1854 Franklin Pierce Proclamation 61—Warning to United States Citizens Against Participating in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
invasion of the island of Cuba ; and Whereas the said undertaking … in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
Jul 26, 1854 Franklin Pierce Special Message
slave trade in the island of Cuba . The information contained …
Aug 01, 1854 Franklin Pierce Special Message
position of the island of Cuba , its proximity to our coast …
Mar 03, 1855 Franklin Pierce Special Message
correspondence relative to Cuba, etc …
Dec 31, 1855 Franklin Pierce Third Annual Message
destructive hurricane which visited Cuba in 1844, the supreme authority … recurrence of difficulties in Cuba , will render them less frequent …
Jan 28, 1856 Franklin Pierce Special Message
citizens on the island of Cuba. FRANKLIN PIERCE …
Feb 05, 1856 Franklin Pierce Special Message
citizens on the island of Cuba , I transmit a report from …
May 19, 1856 Franklin Pierce Special Message
of coolies from China to Cuba and other countries with …
Dec 02, 1856 Franklin Pierce Fourth Annual Message
Dec 08, 1857 James Buchanan First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union
May 31, 1858 James Buchanan Message to the House of Representatives on the Attacks on United States Vessels in the Gulf of Mexico
Mexico and on the coast of Cuba , I transmit a report from …
Dec 06, 1858 James Buchanan Second Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union
Jan 15, 1859 James Buchanan Special Message
respecting the acquisition of Cuba by the United States. JAMES BUCHANAN …
Jan 21, 1859 James Buchanan Special Message
purchase of the island of Cuba , which correspondence has … reference to the purchase of Cuba that "the publicity which …
Dec 19, 1859 James Buchanan Third Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union
no longer be furnished in Cuba , and thus all the world be … favor of the acquisition of Cuba by fair purchase. My opinions …
Mar 30, 1860 James Buchanan Special Message
citizen in the island of Cuba , I transmit a report from …
May 19, 1860 James Buchanan Special Message
on the coast of Cuba , with 507 African negroes …
May 22, 1860 James Buchanan Special Message
board, on the south side of Cuba , near the Isle of Pines …
Jun 18, 1860 Democratic Party Platforms 1860 Democratic Party Platform
acquisition of the Island of Cuba on such terms as shall be …
Jun 23, 1860 Minor/Third Party Platforms Democratic Party Platform (Breckinridge Faction) of 1860
acquisition of the Island of Cuba on such terms as shall be …
Dec 03, 1860 James Buchanan Fourth Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union
cruisers on the coast of Cuba in the spring of 1858. The …
Dec 03, 1862 Abraham Lincoln Message to Congress Requesting Funds to Compensate the Owners of the Jules et Marie
took place off the coast of Cuba between the United States war steamer …
Dec 08, 1863 Abraham Lincoln Third Annual Message
which surround the island of Cuba , has been debated without …
Mar 15, 1866 Andrew Johnson Special Message
selling them as slaves in Cuba , I transmit a report from …
Dec 09, 1868 Andrew Johnson Fourth Annual Message
Dec 06, 1869 Ulysses S. Grant First Annual Message
sympathies for the people of Cuba in their pending struggle … put a stop to bloodshed in Cuba , and in the interest of a … believed could be received by Cuba , was withdrawn. It is hoped …
Dec 15, 1869 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
correspondence on the subject of Cuba , I transmit a report from …
Dec 20, 1869 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
elating to the revolution in Cuba and the political and civil condition of that island …
Feb 11, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
more American citizens in Cuba , I communicate a report from …
Feb 18, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
more American citizens in Cuba , a report from the Secretary …
Feb 21, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
to affairs connected with Cuba and to the struggle for independence in that island …
Mar 30, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Excerpt of an Interview with the New York Herald on the Advantages of Annexing Santo Domingo
the. laws of Porto Rico and Cuba are inimical to American …
May 31, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
own labor. Porto Rico and Cuba will have to abolish slavery … slavery insupportable in Cuba and Porto Rico at once and … the unhappy condition of Cuba , and end an exterminating …
Jun 13, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
existed in the island of Cuba between a portion of its … States for the people of Cuba , as for all peoples struggling …
Jul 09, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
by Spanish authorities in Cuba; of American citizens executed and imprisoned in Cuba ; of American citizens whose … confiscated or embargoed in Cuba , and of decrees under which …
Jul 13, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
of terminating the war in Cuba, correspondence relative thereto, etc …
Jul 14, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
of the supposed peril of Cuba on the side of Europe; it … condition of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, still the … of labor in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, lost to the …
Dec 05, 1870 Ulysses S. Grant Second Annual Message
condition of the insurrection in Cuba has materially changed since … situation in which the island of Cuba " then "was," which, however … by the executive power in Cuba , and we were obliged to make …
Dec 04, 1871 Ulysses S. Grant Third Annual Message
out of the insurrection in Cuba . That commission has since … apparent abolition of slavery in Cuba and Porto Rico leave most … condition of the island of Cuba continues to be a source …
Dec 19, 1871 Ulysses S. Grant Proclamation 205—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on Certain Spanish Vessels
excepting the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, into Spain … excepting the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, into the … excepting from the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, shall be …
Feb 13, 1872 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
growing out of affairs in Cuba and to instructions to our …
Mar 20, 1872 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
of Chinese laborers into Cuba , and translation of a decree … Valmaseda, Captain-General of Cuba , of December 13, 1871, relative …
Mar 28, 1872 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
complicity in the insurrection in Cuba
Dec 02, 1872 Ulysses S. Grant Fourth Annual Message
condition of the island of Cuba . No advance toward the pacification … maintenance of slavery in Cuba is among the strongest inducements … administration of government in Cuba could not fail to advance …
Dec 01, 1873 Ulysses S. Grant Fifth Annual Message
illegally held as slaves in Cuba . Next, the Captain-General … terminated slavery in Christendom, Cuba only excepted. Unhappily … Spain to abolish slavery in Cuba , and in preventing the promised …
Jan 05, 1874 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
Bahia Honda, in the island of Cuba , on the 16th ultimo. She … surrendered at Santiago de Cuba on the 18th ultimo, and reached …
Dec 07, 1874 Ulysses S. Grant Sixth Annual Message
The deplorable strife in Cuba continues without any marked …
Dec 07, 1875 Ulysses S. Grant Seventh Annual Message
the neighboring island of Cuba . The same disregard of the … trade and intercourse with Cuba , and the frequent and intimate … property of our citizens in Cuba is large, and is rendered …
Jan 21, 1876 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
dence with Spain relative to Cuba
Jan 25, 1876 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
other than Spain relative to Cuba
May 04, 1876 Ulysses S. Grant Special Message
a threatened invasion of Cuba or some of the Provinces …
Dec 05, 1876 Ulysses S. Grant Eighth Annual Message
Nov 15, 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes Special Message
and others at Santiago de Cuba
Dec 03, 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes First Annual Message
May 14, 1878 Rutherford B. Hayes Special Message
Spain in the government of Cuba
Dec 02, 1878 Rutherford B. Hayes Second Annual Message
termination of the insurrection in Cuba and the restoration of peace …
May 02, 1882 Chester A. Arthur Special Message
citizens condemned to death in Cuba, etc …