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Results   401 - 500 of 3416 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jan 26, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
appear in the publications in Cuba . Now, we have had these conferences … policy, as of now, concerning Cuba . It's in written form and … economic reprisal against Cuba , it has been suggested that …
Feb 17, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
Government. The treaty with Cuba is one of long standing … to Mr. Mikoyan's visit to Cuba . And a month or two ago … see that he got safely to Cuba . Now, I realize, as the Air …
Mar 16, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
Gibson, Wall Street Journal: On Cuba , sir, you have announced … activities taking place in Cuba that could easily endanger … 3,500,000 tons of sugar from Cuba yearly. I have got the responsibility …
Mar 30, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
complaints that the Government of Cuba has against ours, and we …
Apr 27, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
under the Castro regime in Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. Well, you …
Jun 02, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Letter to Senator Bennett on the Need for Legislation Authorizing the President To Make Adjustments in Sugar Quotas.
substantial part of it to Cuba . He further noted that estimated … to 500,000 tons, and that Cuba 's share of these deficits …
Jul 06, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill and Proclamation Relating to the Cuban Sugar Quota.
the President to determine Cuba 's sugar quota for the balance … total sugar supply comes from Cuba . Despite every effort on … relations, the Government of Cuba is now following a course …
Jul 06, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Proclamation 3355—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota
the 1960 sugar quota for Cuba was determined pursuant to …
Jul 06, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
reaction to the situation in Cuba . Is there any Emit, Mr. President … Russian submarine base in Cuba . first, sir, do you agree … President, on the subject of Cuba , is the United States making …
Jul 09, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Statement by the President Concerning Premier Khrushchev's Announcement of Support for the Castro Regime in Cuba.
support to the Castro regime in Cuba is revealing in two respects … clear intention to establish Cuba in a role serving Soviet … for the Castro Regime in Cuba
Jul 11, 1960 Democratic Party Platforms 1960 Democratic Party Platform
freedom and independence of Cuba . The Government of the United …
Jul 11, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference at Newport, Rhode Island
program. Would that include Cuba , the present Cuban Government … seen that the President of Cuba last night strongly implied that Cuba might demand that we give … outside of what we have seen in Cuba , why I think you should ask …
Jul 26, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Address at the Republican National Convention in Chicago
disappointments--witness the difficulties in Cuba , the unrest in the Congo …
Jul 28, 1960 Richard Nixon Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago
whether it is in Berlin or in Cuba or anywhere else in the world …
Aug 03, 1960 Richard Nixon TV Press Conference of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Honolulu, HI
change the theme a little bit, Cuba has an important economic … the Communist satellite in Cuba . The present policy is based … predict what may happen in Cuba , particularly when the economic …
Aug 04, 1960 Richard Nixon Speech of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Waikiki Shell, Honolulu, HI
Berlin, whether it is in Cuba , wherever it is in the world …
Aug 08, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Special Message to the Congress Upon Its Reconvening
Africa. All of us know about Cuba . As a result of continuous …
Aug 10, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
now have such a regime in Cuba , and what can we do about …
Aug 13, 1960 Richard Nixon Press Conference of Vice President Richard M. Nixon at 200th Birthday Celebration of Cumberland County, Portland, ME
extension of Russian influence in Cuba ? May I say first that I appreciate … foreign communism, coming into Cuba . If the Cuban people choose …
Aug 17, 1960 Richard Nixon Press Conference of Vice President Nixon, WFMY-TV, Greensboro, NC
think we ought to do about Cuba ? Vice President NIXON. The … think we ought to do about Cuba ? And my answer is that I … tolerate the setting up in Cuba of a foreign-controlled Communist …
Aug 17, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
Communist encroachment in Cuba . Now, I wonder if from your … that we have ever done in Cuba . I have not heard of any … have had these reports on Cuba every day, I think, for the …
Aug 23, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Special Message to the Congress on the Sugar Quota of the Dominican Republic.
not being purchased from Cuba pursuant to the reduction …
Aug 24, 1960 John F. Kennedy Partial Text of a Speech Delivered by Senator John F. Kennedy in Alexandria, VA
in Laos and Asia, and in Cuba , 90 miles off our shores … disarmament, the U-2 fiasco, and now Cuba and the Congo? Why would …
Aug 24, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Democratic Rally, George Washington High School Stadium, Alexandria, VA
second most powerful man in Cuba . Probably he should not be …
Aug 24, 1960 Richard Nixon Speech by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, VFW Convention, Detroit, MI
read of what's happening in Cuba , there is a temptation to … second point - turning to Cuba . Here I hear many people … about our attitude toward Cuba , our determination that there …
Aug 24, 1960 Richard Nixon Press Conference of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac, Detroit, MI
they call the big stick on Cuba - going back to the days … Latin America as well as in Cuba - but also it is out of the …
Aug 24, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
situation is irretrievable. Cuba has been one of our finest … our own on the one hand and Cuba on the other. Q. Carleton …
Aug 26, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, VFW Convention, Detroit, MI - (Advance Release Text)
sputnik and the Suez, by Cuba and the Congo, by the collapse …
Aug 26, 1960 John F. Kennedy Text of Telephone Address by Senator John F. Kennedy to Amvet Convention, Miami Beach, FL
90 miles from the shore of Cuba . For the first time in the … Latin America. The Congo, Cuba , Latin America, Africa, Asia …
Aug 26, 1960 Richard Nixon Speech of Vice President Nixon, Woodrow Wilson Park, Birmingham, AL
the problems are great. In Cuba , in the Congo, in the Near …
Sep 02, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Portland, Maine, Portland Stadium
second most influential man in Cuba . He is not today. He cannot … Cambodia, the Congo, and Cuba we have seen in the last …
Sep 02, 1960 John F. Kennedy Press Conference of Senator John F. Kennedy, Portland, Maine, WGAN-TV
Communists, not mentioning Cuba by name. Do you think we … contain this revolution in Cuba , itself, and not have it … this Communist conspiracy in Cuba . Now, let me say that I am …
Sep 03, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, San Francisco, CA, International Airport
3 years, the Republic of Cuba , under a dictatorship of …
Sep 05, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Pontiac, MI, Oakland Park
years ago I went to Havana, Cuba , and I was told that the … second most powerful man in Cuba . I am not saying he should … second most powerful man in Cuba . I am not content to see …
Sep 06, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, High School Auditorium, Pocatello, Idaho
what has been going on in Cuba , know that there is no real … see them making gains in Cuba and the Congo, Laos, in the …
Sep 06, 1960 John F. Kennedy Question and Answer Session, Statewide TV Appearance of Senator John F. Kennedy, Civic Auditorium, Seattle, WA
recently been evidenced in Cuba Senator KENNEDY. I agree … Secondly, in the case of Cuba , I think the basic error … think that in the problem of Cuba we have to work with the …
Sep 06, 1960 John F. Kennedy Excerpts from an Address Delivered by Senator John F. Kennedy In Pocatello, Idaho
such friendly countries as Cuba and the Congo. They were wrong about Cuba - they were wrong about the …
Sep 07, 1960 John F. Kennedy Question and Answer Session Following Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Multnomah Hotel, Portland, OR
Communist infiltration of Cuba . That matter is, of course … wait and see what happens in Cuba . But any action that we do …
Sep 07, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Civic Auditorium, Portland, OR
friendship on the island of Cuba should now be reviled and …
Sep 07, 1960 John F. Kennedy Excerpts from a Speech Delivered by Senator John F. Kennedy, Civic Auditorium, Portland, OR - (advance Release Text)
the once-friendly island of Cuba , only 90 miles away, that …
Sep 07, 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower The President's News Conference
China by the Castro regime in Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. Well, it …
Sep 08, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Oakland, CA, Civic Auditorium - (Advance Release Text)
election in our lifetime. From Cuba to the Congo, from the Middle …
Sep 09, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Airport, Bakersfield, CA
jobs, but we worry about Cuba and the Congo and India and …
Sep 09, 1960 John F. Kennedy Rear Platform Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Fresno, CA - "Pathways to Peace" - (Advance Release Text)
India, the Congo and even Cuba seem remote and none of our …
Sep 09, 1960 John F. Kennedy Rear Platform Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Tulare, CA
worry about the Congo and Cuba and the far side of space …
Sep 12, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Houston Coliseum, Houston, TX
at home and abroad, from Cuba to Formosa, from Berlin to … spreading their influence in Cuba , the Congo, and Laos, then …
Sep 12, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Airport, Lubbock, TX
stood still. I was in Havana, Cuba , 3 years ago, and I was informed … second most powerful man in Cuba . Today the Soviet Ambassador …
Sep 12, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Houston Coliseum, Houston, TX - (Advance Release Text)
foothold in the Congo, and in Cuba . I am not satisfied to see …
Sep 12, 1960 Richard Nixon Excerpts of Remarks of the Vice President of the United States, Union Square, San Francisco, CA
do. We could have turned Cuba into a second Hungary. But … Nations. We have not bullied Cuba , in spite of the provocation …
Sep 13, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Texarkana, AR-TX - (Advance Release Text)
foothold in the Congo, and in Cuba . I am not satisfied to see …
Sep 13, 1960 Richard Nixon Remarks of Vice President Nixon, Clark County Courthouse, Vancouver, WA
in Japan, in the Congo, in Cuba , or in Berlin or any other … American States with regard to Cuba and in other areas. Now I …
Sep 14, 1960 Richard Nixon Press Conference of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, WMBD-TV Studios, Peoria, IL
gone to pot. We have lost Cuba . How do you feel about that …
Sep 15, 1960 John F. Kennedy Statewide TV Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Zembo Mosque Temple, Harrisburg, PA
powerful and influential man in Cuba . Today the American Ambassador … second most powerful man in Cuba today. That is the record … old and traditional friend, Cuba , under the domination of …
Sep 15, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Zembo Mosque Temple, Harrisburg, PA - (Advance Release Text)
miles of our own shores, in Cuba . It is up to our generation …
Sep 15, 1960 John F. Kennedy Excerpts from the Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Bergen Mall, Paramus, NJ - (Advance Release Text)
Communist challenge - from Cuba to the Congo, from India … within 90 miles of Florida to Cuba . And next week when Mr. Khrushchev …
Sep 16, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Pikesville Armory, Pikesville, MD
add to your satellites in Cuba and possibly in the Congo …
Sep 16, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Lebanon, PA
the move. It is not merely Cuba . It is through other sections …
Sep 16, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Pikesville Armory Pikesville, MD - (Advance Release Text)
satellites, new colonies, in Cuba and the Congo. But I cannot …
Sep 16, 1960 John F. Kennedy Excerpts from Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy, Reading, PA - (Advance Release Text)
York City. It has spread to Cuba and the Congo, to India and …
Sep 16, 1960 Richard Nixon Remarks of Vice President Nixon, Sunnyside Park, Atlantic, IA
unilaterally? Why don't we go into Cuba unilaterally, on our own …
Sep 17, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Raleigh, NC, Coliseum
miles from our shores in Cuba - an enemy which is convinced … communism began to grow in Cuba - but Cuba is a Communist satellite …
Sep 17, 1960 John F. Kennedy Question and Answer Period Following Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Coliseum, Raleigh, NC
until our relations with Cuba became so sour that we broke … Americans, to our troubles with Cuba . Therefore, you have people …
Sep 19, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, United Steelworkers of America Convention, Convention Hall, Atlantic City, NJ
Latin America, Asia, and Cuba . I think we can do better …
Sep 20, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, DC
our former good neighbor in Cuba , only 90 miles from the coast … Three years ago when I was in Cuba , the American Ambassador … second most influential man in Cuba . Today the Soviet Ambassador …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Remarks of Vice President Nixon, Allen County Court House, Fort Wayne, IN
situation, for example, in Cuba . Does Mr. Khrushchev gain … could against Mr. Castro in Cuba and the Cuban people? But …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Partial Transcript of Remarks by the Vice President, Jefferson County Courthouse Plaza, Louisville, KY
we lose prestige when in Cuba , where we have all the power …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Press Conference of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Kentwood Arms Hotel, Springfield, MO
in our relationship with Cuba ? The VICE PRESIDENT. What … QUESTION. Your relation with Cuba, the United States' relationship with Cuba . The VICE PRESIDENT. If I … pursue in our relations with Cuba ? I would pursue the line …
Sep 22, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Shrine Auditorium, Billings, MT
greatest gains from Laos to Cuba to Africa, during the period …
Sep 22, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Airport Rally, Fargo, ND
anywhere in a crisis, from Cuba to the Congo to Laos, where …
Sep 22, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Corn Palace, Mitchell, SD
whether they live in Congo or Cuba or Russia or Poland or East …
Sep 23, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon Tabernacle
in the fretful island of Cuba . The products of their once-backward …
Sep 23, 1960 John F. Kennedy Question and Answer Period Following Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah
only when our relations with Cuba soured to the point where …
Sep 23, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
result of difficulties in Cuba . I would like to see us offer …
Sep 27, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Mansfield, Ohio
Latin America, not merely in Cuba . One or two years ago there … Latin America going to join Cuba ? Are other countries of Asia …
Sep 28, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Memorial Auditorium, NY
by jet, in the island of Cuba . And Mr. Castro comes to …
Sep 28, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, War Memorial Building, Rochester, NY
Applause.] We talk about Cuba , but what about Ghana, an …
Sep 28, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, North Tonawanda, NY
concerned with the Congo and Cuba and Laos, countries which …
Sep 29, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Democratic Fund-Raising Dinner, Syracuse, NY - (Advance Release Text)
the once friendly nation of Cuba . They have, for the first … is in serious trouble; in Cuba , where Communists openly … encourage free elections in Cuba after Mr. Nixon was there …
Sep 29, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy at a Democratic Fund-Raising Dinner in Syracuse, NY
freedom is in serious danger in Cuba , where the Communists openly … encourage free elections in Cuba after Mr. Nixon was there …
Sep 29, 1960 Richard Nixon Partial Transcript of Remarks by the Vice President, Merrimack Common, Manchester, NH
situations like that we have in Cuba , partners in developing new …
Oct 01, 1960 John F. Kennedy Question and Answer Period Following Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Bean Feed, Minneapolis, MN
that Mr. Nixon in Havana, Cuba , in 1955, gave an interview … influence, which we had in Cuba at that time to persuade … elections, so that the people of Cuba could have a free choice …
Oct 01, 1960 Richard Nixon Partial Transcript of Remarks by the Vice President, Akron University, Memorial Hall, Akron, OH
a lot differently toward Cuba , for example, than we have … named the innocent people of Cuba for being misled by a demagogue … about so that the people of Cuba , themselves, can get what …
Oct 02, 1960 John F. Kennedy Excerpts from the Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN - (Advance Release Text)
once - friendly island of Cuba - and communism is on the …
Oct 02, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN
as he has in the case of Cuba , as he is beginning to do …
Oct 02, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, St. Paul Hotel, St. Paul, MN
have seen it in the case of Cuba . India hangs in the balance …
Oct 02, 1960 Richard Nixon Interview of Vice President Richard M. Nixon by Walter Winchell, WABC-TV, New York, NY
the event that Russia and Cuba agree on establishing missile … a full-scale blockade of Cuba ? NIXON. I think it would … Russian-dominated government in Cuba or in the Americas. Now the …
Oct 03, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Southern Illinois University Stadium, Carbondale, IL
themselves with Soviet policy. Cuba is not the only example … went and may still go, where Cuba has already gone, because …
Oct 03, 1960 John F. Kennedy Question and Answer Period Following Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Armory, Springfield, IL
much longer as dictator of Cuba ? [Laughter.] Senator KENNEDY … countries. Secondly, in regard to Cuba , itself, I feel that the … who have been driven out of Cuba by Castro, that there are …
Oct 04, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Telecast, Wttv, Indianapolis, IN
private plane, landed in Cuba , as you remember, this last …
Oct 05, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Anderson, IN
about the rise of Castro in Cuba , and the spread of his power …
Oct 06, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Cincinnati, Ohio, Democratic Dinner
Caribbean base: the island of Cuba . Two years ago in September … bearded rebels descended from Cuba 's Sierra Maestra Mountains … have been seized. And all of Cuba is in the iron grip of a …
Oct 06, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Government Square, Cincinnati, Ohio
off the sugar quota from Cuba last June, we offered economic … Castro from seizing power in Cuba . Well, this administration …
Oct 06, 1960 Richard Nixon Partial Transcript of Speech by the Vice President, Public Hall, Cleveland, OH
problems like the one in Cuba that my opponent is discussing …
Oct 07, 1960 Presidential Candidate Debates Presidential Debate in Washington, DC
responsibility for the loss of Cuba . Would you compare the validity … with Senator Kennedy that Cuba is lost and certainly China … power in 1953. As I look at Cuba today, I believe that we …
Oct 08, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Paducah, KY, Airport
raise the banner of revolt in Cuba against us, but all over …
Oct 08, 1960 Richard Nixon Remarks of Vice President Richard M. Nixon on "The Open Question," WTMJ-TV, Milwaukee, WI
part in what's happened in Cuba ? Do you feel the administration … would say is that as far as Cuba is concerned, I do not consider …
Oct 12, 1960 John F. Kennedy Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy Prepared for a Dinner Held by the Democratic National and State Committees, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, NY
Communists took power in Cuba - not 4 miles off their shores … saw what was happening in Cuba . The warning about a coming … the once-friendly island of Cuba . In 1959, when the Red Chinese …
Oct 13, 1960 Presidential Candidate Debates Presidential Debate Broadcast from New York and Los Angeles
protested the Communists seizing Cuba , ninety miles off the coast …
Oct 14, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Battle Creek, MI
of Brazil decide to go to Cuba and call on Castro during …
Oct 14, 1960 John F. Kennedy Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Grand Rapids, MI
prestige has never been higher. Cuba , Ghana, Guinea, Laos - the …