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Results   801 - 900 of 3416 records found

Date Related Document Title
May 30, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at a Memorial Day Service in Arlington National Cemetery
airman that was shot down over Cuba during the crisis of 1962 …
Jun 10, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11285—Designation of Certain Foreign Countries as Economically Less Developed Countries For Purposes of the Interest Equalization Tax
International Communism, Cuba , Czechoslovakia, Estonia …
Jul 23, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks in Indianapolis at a Ceremony Marking the 150th Anniversary of the State of Indiana.
have not worked. Communist Cuba today is on a downhill slide …
Aug 20, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at Battery Park, Burlington, Vermont
problems and those of Castro's Cuba , you have so much to be thankful …
Nov 10, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President Upon Directing the Waiver of Permanent Resident Application Fees for Cuban Refugees.
Immigration and Naturalization Act. Cuba requires that the refugees …
Nov 12, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President Upon Signing the Food for Peace Act of 1966.
to either North Vietnam or Cuba . The position of this administration … to both North Vietnam and Cuba . We oppose it. We have conducted …
Mar 13, 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson Special Message to the Congress on the Latin American Summit Meeting.
some of these places--in Cuba and half a world away in …
Sep 22, 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks to Representatives of National Fraternal Organizations.
missiles were brought into Cuba . You hear them now as we …
Sep 29, 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson Address on Vietnam Before the National Legislative Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Turkey, in Berlin, in Korea, in Cuba . We met them because brave …
Mar 02, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Rollout Ceremony for the C-5A Cargo Plane, Marietta, Georgia.
takeover--they actually still have Cuba . It now has an opportunity-the …
Mar 28, 1968 Richard Nixon Remarks on the NBC Radio Network: "Learning to Share Responsibility"
their offensive missiles from Cuba . But the United States no …
Aug 26, 1968 Democratic Party Platforms 1968 Democratic Party Platform
progress. Though Castro's Cuba is still a source of subversion …
Oct 13, 1968 Minor/Third Party Platforms American Independent Party Platform of 1968
Oct 27, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks in New York City at a Luncheon of the All Americans Council of the Democratic National Committee
what we all remember: that Cuba in that period had been lost …
Oct 27, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks Broadcast on Programs Sponsored by Citizens for Humphrey-Muskie
neglects to mention that Cuba was lost to communism back …
Oct 31, 1969 Richard Nixon Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Inter American Press Association.
condone, and a nation like Cuba which seeks to practice it …
Apr 30, 1970 Richard Nixon Address to the Nation on the Situation in Southeast Asia.
Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba and the Western Hemisphere …
Jul 01, 1970 Richard Nixon A Conversation With the President About Foreign Policy.
Eastern Europe, and not in Cuba . In every case, communism …
Nov 04, 1970 Richard Nixon Remarks to Reporters on the Results of the 1970 Elections
Sanchez, who are refugees from Cuba . Mrs. Sanchez told me just …
Dec 10, 1970 Richard Nixon The President's News Conference
including the submarine base in Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. No, I do …
Jan 04, 1971 Richard Nixon "A Conversation With the President," Interview With Four Representatives of the Television Networks
Feb 17, 1971 Richard Nixon The President's News Conference
submarine were serviced from Cuba or in Cuba , that this would be a violation … offensive weapons or a base in Cuba . 2 The President was referring …
Feb 25, 1971 Richard Nixon Second Annual Report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy.
Apr 14, 1971 Richard Nixon Statement Announcing Changes in Trade and Travel Restrictions With the People's Republic of China
Vietnam, North Korea, or Cuba . --U.S. vessels or aircraft …
Apr 16, 1971 Richard Nixon Panel Interview at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Newspaper Editors.
Oct 12, 1971 Richard Nixon The President's News Conference
President, would this include Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. The questions … at that time. For example, Cuba is one possibility. The question …
Jan 02, 1972 Richard Nixon "A Conversation With the President," Interview With Dan Rather of the Columbia Broadcasting System
Feb 09, 1972 Richard Nixon Third Annual Report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy.
Jul 11, 1972 Democratic Party Platforms 1972 Democratic Party Platform
Aug 21, 1972 Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1972
the continuing campaign by Cuba to foment violence and support … to the day when changes in Cuba's policies will justify its re-entry …
May 03, 1973 Richard Nixon Fourth Annual Report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy.
Aug 28, 1974 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
changes in our policy with Cuba? THE PRESIDENT. The policy that we have toward Cuba today is determined by the … that organization. Now if Cuba changes its policy toward …
Oct 21, 1974 Gerald R. Ford News Conference of the President and President Echeverria of Mexico in Tubac, Arizona
States with reference to Cuba and if this attitude is to … United States' attitude toward Cuba . I indicated that we had … attitude would change toward Cuba . We did discuss the meeting …
Feb 26, 1975 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
U.S. foreign policy toward Cuba since you became the President … diplomatic sanctions toward Cuba in the immediate future … including our policy toward Cuba . The policy today is the …
Apr 23, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks in New Orleans at the Annual Convention of the Navy League of the United States.
reconnaissance aircraft operating from Cuba and Guinea, conducted ocean …
May 06, 1975 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
connection of anything between Cuba and the United States. We …
Sep 12, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Interview With Reporters in St. Louis.
freeze the way China and Cuba did for so many years, to …
Sep 21, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Question-and-Answer Session With Students at the Stanford University School of Law.
overthrow of the Governments of Cuba , the Dominican Republic …
Sep 25, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Toasts of the President and President Lopez of Colombia
lifting of the embargo against Cuba , regardless of our ideological … successful. In the case of Cuba , where the sanctions were … own line of conduct towards Cuba , while abstaining from the …
Nov 03, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Interview With Television Reporters in Jacksonville.
efforts toward detente with Cuba have been pushed aside until … accurate. The situation in Cuba vis-a-vis the United States … between the United States and Cuba . But I repeat that there …
Nov 26, 1975 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
Secretary Brezhnev goes to Cuba . Can we expect a Ford-Brezhnev …
Dec 19, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks on Senate Action To Prohibit United States Assistance to Angola.
namely the Soviet Union and Cuba . This abdication of responsibility …
Dec 20, 1975 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
is obviously doing and as Cuba is doing, to try to dominate … and, unfortunately, because Cuba has anywhere from 4,000 to … improvement in relations with Cuba . ANGOLA [9.] Q. Mr. President …
Dec 31, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
improvement in our relations with Cuba when what they are doing … what legitimate interest Cuba has in sending some 6,000 … doesn't help our relations with Cuba when they know that we think …
Jan 03, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Interview for an NBC News Program on American Foreign Policy.
military support and to have Cuba quit sending troops as well …
Jan 27, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the Situation in Angola.
areas thousands of miles from Cuba and the Soviet Union, and … 1975, the Soviet Union and Cuba provided almost $200 million … force by the Soviet Union and Cuba . I believe that resistance …
Jan 30, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Radio-Television News Directors Association.
roughly $200 million in Angola. Cuba has at least 10,000 highly … that the Soviet Union and Cuba are trying to impose their … Soviet Union, and in this case Cuba in addition, the United States …
Feb 10, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at a Briefing for Representatives of Military Organizations on Defense and Foreign Policy
challenged the Soviet Union and Cuba in their intervention in …
Feb 14, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at a President Ford Committee Reception in Miami.
nothing to do with Castro's Cuba --period. And let me make …
Feb 25, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Inland Daily Press Association
then the Soviet Union and Cuba won. It is just that simple …
Feb 28, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Boca Raton, Florida.
but if it had to do with Cuba, I wanted to ask you about Cuba also, and that is, down the … to try to get along with Cuba as we try to get along with … viewed as taking against Cuba? After all, measures didn't stop Cuba in Angola. THE PRESIDENT …
Feb 28, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Sarasota, Florida.
nothing to do with Castro's Cuba . Does that mean there is … 4,000 or 5,000 miles from Cuba where he sent 12,000 mercenary …
Feb 28, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks in Miami, Florida, at a Naturalization Ceremony for New American Citizens
The Fidel Castro regime of Cuba , by sending an expeditionary … the present government in Cuba has violated a fundamental … have nothing to do with the Cuba of Fidel Castro. It is a …
Mar 11, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Farm Forum in Rockford.
Soviet Union and Castro's Cuba undertook in moving into … military hardware and Castro's Cuba providing some 12,000 military … oppose the Soviet Union and Cuba being involved, and to the …
Mar 12, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.
taken by the Soviet Union or Cuba in circumstances you have … action by the Soviet Union and Cuba because that is pure international … think the Soviet Union or Cuba should continue its adventurism …
Mar 12, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations.
and I have warned Castro's Cuba and its Soviet sponsors against …
Mar 20, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at Lenoir Rhyne College in Hickory, North Carolina.
when the Soviet Union and Cuba went into Angola. In that … whether it is Soviet Union or Cuba , wouldn't be in there today …
Mar 26, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at San Francisco, California.
least a blockade against Cuba in the event that Cuban troops … oppose any adventurism by Cuba beyond its own borders, and …
Mar 27, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at La Crosse, Wisconsin.
that the Soviet Union or Cuba has heeded your warning … consider military action in Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. Well, I would …
Mar 27, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session in La Crosse.
resulted in the Soviet Union and Cuba , in effect, taking over that …
Apr 02, 1976 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
State Kissinger's logic that Cuba should not send their troops … the Portuguese left, and so Cuba , by going in with 12,000 …
Apr 10, 1976 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
Russian combat pilots in Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. Let me say … have been Soviet pilots in Cuba . We don't believe that there …
Apr 28, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Campaign Rally in Houston.
your administration towards Cuba if they take any military …
Apr 29, 1976 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
Apr 30, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Abilene Jaycees Bicentennial Celebration, Abilene, Texas.
Apr 30, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Public Forum in Lubbock, Texas.
that the Soviet Union and Cuba . make no further advances …
May 02, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Public Forum in Fort Wayne.
circumstances, believe that Cuba or the Soviet Union or any …
May 03, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Public Forum in Birmingham.
that the Soviet Union and Cuba did not dominate Angola … Soviet Union, primarily, or Cuba , to a major extent, from …
May 22, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Medford, Oregon.
since the Soviet Union and Cuba took over Angola. The way …
May 26, 1976 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
Kissinger is quoted as saying Cuba has pledged to pull its troops …
Jul 12, 1976 Democratic Party Platforms 1976 Democratic Party Platform
Jul 29, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at the First Annual Banquet of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly.
proceedings for new citizens from Cuba 1 --and I might add parenthetically … underline the people, of Cuba . But, I add very emphatically …
Aug 09, 1976 Jimmy Carter Interview with Jim Castelli of National Catholic News Service
Union, for instance, or to Cuba , for their friendship simply …
Aug 18, 1976 Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1976
Sep 11, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Exchange With Reporters Following a Meeting With Secretary of State Kissinger.
States, the Soviet Union, Cuba , or any outside nation. It's …
Sep 17, 1976 Jimmy Carter Interview at a Breakfast of Associated Press Editors in Washington, DC
Oct 01, 1976 Jimmy Carter Interview with Laura Carmelita Valdes Damron and L.C. Diaz Carlo in "La Luz" Magazine
relationships with Castro1s regime in Cuba ? Governor Carter. Well, I … diplomatic relations with Cuba . I was hoping a few years … restored in the world. I think Cuba 's intervention in Angola …
Oct 01, 1976 Jimmy Carter Interview with Editors of "The Reader's Digest"
let the Soviet Union and Cuba preempt us in the minds of … compromise. The net result was that Cuba came in, and the Soviet Union … of airplane hijackings to Cuba by indirect negotiations …
Oct 16, 1976 Jimmy Carter News Conference in Kansas City, Missouri
will be your attitude toward Cuba , particularly in light … normalization of relationships with Cuba . And I don't advocate that … organization, to trade with Cuba on an individual basis. Each …
Jan 20, 1977 Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter Event Timeline
of Soviet combat troops in Cuba . 09/16/1979 Carter nearly …
Feb 09, 1977 Jimmy Carter Department of Commerce Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
a primary boycott against Cuba . It is all right for a nation …
Feb 16, 1977 Jimmy Carter Department of Agriculture Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
indirect sources that Castro and Cuba has promised to remove those … normal relationships with Cuba. If I can be convinced that Cuba wants to remove their aggravating … relationship that existed in Cuba toward human rights, then …
Feb 23, 1977 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
prisoners in South Korea, in Cuba , in many countries in several … the trade embargo against Cuba as one step toward normalizing … in our relationship with Cuba would have to await further …
Feb 24, 1977 Jimmy Carter Department of State - Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
even to North Korea and to Cuba . It applies to the People's …
Mar 05, 1977 Jimmy Carter "Ask President Carter" - Remarks During a Telephone Call-in Program on the CBS Radio Network
normal relationship with Cuba . Now in the paper the last … Yankees baseball team going to Cuba . Do you think that this is … that normal relations to Cuba are possible with, again …
Mar 09, 1977 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
Vietnam, to North Korea, to Cuba , and to Cambodia. And these …
Mar 22, 1977 Jimmy Carter Small Business Administration Nomination of A. Vernon Weaver, Jr., To Be Administrator.
naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba . He resigned from the Navy …
Mar 25, 1977 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Publishers, Editors, and Broadcasters.
opening communications up with Cuba ; a new start on SALT negotiations …
Apr 14, 1977 Jimmy Carter Organization of American States Address Before the Permanent Council.
address together is that of Cuba . We believe that normal conduct … determine whether relations with Cuba can be improved on a measured …
Apr 15, 1977 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Publishers, Editors, and Broadcasters.
normalizing relations with Cuba ? THE PRESIDENT. Well, I wouldn't … talks. We are talking to Cuba now for the first time in … had normal relations with Cuba they would have to withdraw …
Apr 21, 1977 Jimmy Carter CLOSE-UP Program Remarks to Participants in the Program.
relationships with Vietnam or Cuba or the People's Republic …
Apr 25, 1977 Jimmy Carter European Newspaper Journalists - Question-and-Answer Session.
Vietnam, to Cambodia, to Cuba . They couldn't a couple of …
Apr 29, 1977 Jimmy Carter Radio-Television News Directors Association - Interview With Members of the Board of Directors of the Association
People's Republic of China or Cuba ,. or when we have a difficult …
May 03, 1977 Jimmy Carter American Society of Newspaper Editors Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session by Telephone With Members of the Society.
People's Republic of China, with Cuba . We tried to lead toward …
May 17, 1977 Jimmy Carter Los Angeles, California - Remarks During a Televised Question-and-Answer Session With Area Residents
or our relationships with Cuba or the People's Republic …
May 17, 1977 Jimmy Carter United States-Cuba International Fishery Agreement Message to the Congress Transmitting the Agreement.
between the United States and Cuba , signed at Havana on April … United States-Cuba International Fishery Agreement …
May 20, 1977 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Publishers, Editors, and Broadcasters.
Q. Mr. President, today is Cuba's Independence Day, May 20, so the question is about Cuba . Will you, sir, insist on … rights when dealing with Cuba in the future? How far will … indication from Castro that Cuba is interested in the restoration …
May 26, 1977 Jimmy Carter Treaty of Tlatelolco Remarks on Signing Protocol l of the Treaty.
Argentina and the other one is Cuba . France has not yet signed …
May 30, 1977 Jimmy Carter Brunswick, Georgia Exchange With Reporters at the Brunswick Airport Following Mrs. Carter's Departure.
have good relations with Cuba . We haven't had any firm … diplomatic relations with Cuba , far short of recognition … military forces into Africa. Cuba still has almost 15,000 troops …
May 31, 1977 Jimmy Carter Plains, Georgia Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
movements in our relations with Cuba . Can you be more specific … inclination on the part of Cuba to send military troops and … prisoners that are being held in Cuba for a number of years. But …