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Results   26 - 50 of 83 records found

Date Related Document Title
Mar 25, 1977 Jimmy Carter Digest of Other White House Announcements
President attended the annual Gridiron Dinner at the Capital Hilton …
Mar 17, 1978 Jimmy Carter Digest of Other White House Announcements
President attended the 93d annual Gridiron dinner at the Capitol Hilton …
Mar 27, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks at the National Legislative Conference of the Independent Insurance Agents of America
the famous and traditional Gridiron in which you're supposed …
Apr 12, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks During a Roundtable Discussion With Housing Industry Representatives in Arlington, Texas
was only joking when at the Gridiron the other night I said I …
Apr 13, 1984 Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Annual Dinner of the White House Correspondents Association
couldn't get tickets to the Gridiron. [Laughter] And I appreciate …
Mar 25, 1988 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With President Joaquin Balaguer Ricardo of the Dominican Republic
considering any such act. Gridiron Dinner Q. Are you all set … Q. Are you all set for the Gridiron? President Reagan. Is one …
Apr 13, 1988 Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
thought I was still at the Gridiron. [Laughter] When he stood …
Mar 23, 1991 George Bush Remarks at the Gridiron Dinner
guests. And on this special Gridiron evening, may I single out … the Gulf in time for this Gridiron. I know many of the reporters … think, the most enjoyable Gridiron in many, many years. Barbara …
Apr 09, 1992 George Bush Remarks to the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Feb 03, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
second look at things like the Gridiron Dinner. Q: Well, not just …
Feb 23, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
thought we'd do one on the Gridiron Dinner and one on the White …
Mar 09, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos
the White House, with the Gridiron and others just to try to …
Mar 25, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Gridiron on Saturday night, and that's …
Mar 25, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
10:00 a.m. and go to the Gridiron Dinner on Saturday night …
Mar 26, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
a.m. and will attend the Gridiron Dinner tomorrow night. And …
Mar 28, 1993 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
the glow of a successful Gridiron. It was an event -- ? Q …
Mar 25, 1994 William J. Clinton Digest of Other White House Announcements
Hillary Clinton attended the Gridiron Dinner at the Capitol Hilton …
Apr 23, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks at the White House Correspondents Dinner
got a huge response at the Gridiron Club when he was wheeled …
Apr 05, 1995 William J. Clinton Remarks to the National Conference of the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO
shouted, "UCLA." I told the Gridiron Dinner the other night at …
Apr 05, 1996 William J. Clinton Digest of Other White House Announcements
the President attended the Gridiron Dinner at the Capital Hilton …
Mar 14, 1997 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by By the Physicians Attending to the President
a panicked member of the Gridiron Club earlier today. MR. MCCURRY … today. MR. MCCURRY: Well, the Gridiron Club is an occasion that … have been practicing his Gridiron material. Can I excuse the …
Mar 15, 1997 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Mike McCurry
everyone he will miss at the Gridiron Dinner tonight, and I won't … up to work with him on his Gridiron remarks today about what … evening. And the pain that the Gridiron causes sometimes extends …
Mar 16, 1997 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Mike McCurry
on his performance at the Gridiron last night, that's not bad …
Mar 17, 1997 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Mike McCurry
jokes that were said at the Gridiron to the Foreign Minister … being Madeleine's date at the Gridiron Dinner, and said he hoped …
Mar 19, 1997 William J. Clinton Remarks Announcing the Nomination of George J. Tenet To Be Director of Central Intelligence and an Exchange With Reporters
International] played Madeleine at the Gridiron, and I think she's still …