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Results   126 - 150 of 319 records found

Date Related Document Title
Apr 23, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
mean though? MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I've answered a couple … said about -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Peter, I've got tight time … Mike Pompeo -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm going to keep moving …
Apr 25, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
Two weeks ago? MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I know they met during the …
Apr 27, 2018 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference With Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany
translation was provided. ] Q. Sorry. Chancellor MerkelSorry, sorry. Q. No worries. Thank …
May 03, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
statement -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Jim. I'm going to move on … MS. SANDERS: Steve. Q: Sorry, Sarah, in addition to being … also said -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Major, I'm going to keep …
May 07, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
the follow -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry. Q: -- was on Blankenship … couldn't address that. Jim. Q: Sorry, Sarah -- MS. SANDERSSorry, I'm going to keep moving …
May 08, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by National Security Advisor John Bolton on Iran
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: Total. Q: Sorry, appreciate that. They were …
May 09, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
more question. MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Kristen. I gave you a couple …
May 11, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and HHS Secretary Alex Azar
May 14, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah
the Governor -- MR. SHAH: Sorry, say it again. Q: Last month …
May 17, 2018 Donald J. Trump Tweets of May 17, 2018
in U.S. history - by far! Sorry to the Fake News Media and …
May 17, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie
issue on -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm going to keep going … And what is -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm going to keep going …
May 22, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
really quickly. MS. SANDERS: Sorry. I'm going to keep moving … actually on the -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm going to do one question … Justice, Sarah? MS. SANDERS: Sorry, John, go ahead. Q: Thank …
May 23, 2018 Donald J. Trump Remarks During a Roundtable Discussion on Immigration in Bethpage, New York
May 29, 2018 Donald J. Trump Tweets of May 29, 2018
79525 May 29, 2018 11:27:07 Sorry I've got to start focusing …
May 29, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
the Eurozone? MS. SANDERS: Sorry? I couldn't hear that last …
May 30, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
does he have? MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Jonathan. We're going to … Francesca. Q: And -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm just going to do one … can to be helpful. Emerald. Sorry, one question today. Emerald …
Jun 04, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
in a while. MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm going to keep going … it's about -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Peter. We're going to keep … political front -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Blake, I'm going to keep …
Jun 05, 2018 Donald J. Trump Tweets of June 5, 2018
our country as kneeling. Sorry
Jun 05, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and CEA Chairman Kevin Hassett
MS. SANDERS: Catherine. Sorry, I'm going to keep going … And on the -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I'm going to keep going …
Jun 06, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by NEC Director Larry Kudlow on the G7 Summit
stuff, okay? Lots of hands. Sorry. Yes, sir. Please. Q: Thanks … bit about -- MR. KUDLOW: Sorry, it's actually the one behind …
Jun 11, 2018 Donald J. Trump Tweets of June 11, 2018
113137 June 11, 2018 02:41:02 Sorry we cannot let our friends …
Jun 12, 2018 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference on Sentosa Island, Singapore
President. Much better, right? Q. Sorry. Frequently—we're frequently …
Jun 14, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
their parents. MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Jim, I've given you enough … between two -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry. Go ahead, Trey. Q: The text … you called -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry. That's right, Mara. I'll …
Jun 18, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
Jun 25, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
on a level playing field. Sorry, Steve, I did come to you … had several. MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Jill. I'm going to keep … current law -- MS. SANDERS: Sorry, Steve, I'm going to keep …