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Results   201 - 225 of 319 records found

Date Related Document Title
Mar 14, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Leo Varadkar of Ireland and an Exchange With Reporters
come in illegally, you say, "Sorry, you have to leave." In our …
Mar 17, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of March 17, 2019
52% 93% with Republicans. Sorry! #MAGA …
Mar 19, 2019 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference With President Jair Messias Bolsonaro of Brazil
you very much. Our—— Q. Sorry—— President Trump. Go …
Mar 28, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a "Make America Great Again" Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Apr 04, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Vice Premier Liu He of China and an Exchange With Reporters
Your voice. Q. Oh, sorry. Sorry. This year marks 40th anniversary … negotiation. Q. Comments. Sorry. Comments. President Trump …
Apr 05, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on Immigration and Border Security and an Exchange With Reporters in Calexico, California
Apr 23, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of April 23, 2019
2862 April 23, 2019 10:44:33 Sorry to say but @foxandfriends …
May 06, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of May 6, 2019
lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry we're not going to be doing …
May 08, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a "Make America Great Rally" in Panama City Beach, Florida
May 15, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks at the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service
you'd be doing this, Reggie. Sorry, Reggie. [ Laughter ] Newman …
May 17, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks at the National Association of REALTORS Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo
May 23, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks on Federal Aid to Farmers and Ranchers and an Exchange With Reporters
Jun 09, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of June 9, 2019
sleazebag attorney John Dean. Sorry no Do Overs - Go back to …
Jun 12, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Andrzej Duda of Poland and an Exchange With Reporters
—someone cheated you. Sorry. Q. Excuse me? President …
Jun 26, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of June 26, 2019
and the TRUTH! #MAGA #KAG Sorry I'm on Air Force One off …
Jul 11, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of July 11, 2019
smart a true Stable Genius! Sorry to say that even Social Media …
Jul 14, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of July 14, 2019
July 14, 2019 13:45:46 .....Sorry can't let them into our Country …
Jul 17, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a “Keep America Great” Rally in Greenville, North Carolina
men are going to get angry. Sorry, men. Whoa, look at all those … reprimanded and that's the end. Sorry, mommySorry, mom. Didn't mean to embarrass … I went, I said, “Folks. Sorry, you've got to pay your fair …
Aug 12, 2019 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli
where those may end up today. Sorry. Yes, sir. Q: And my second … is pretty much, you know, "Sorry, that's just the rule"? ACTING … be at this point in time. Sorry. Q: Just real quickly: You …
Aug 13, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks on American Energy and Manufacturing at the Shell Pennsylvania Chemicals Plant in Monaca, Pennsylvania
Women—lowest in 70 years. Sorry, women. I let you down again …
Aug 17, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of August 17, 2019
New Hampshire last night. Sorry we couldn't get you in will …
Aug 20, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of August 20, 2019
August 20, 2019 15:42:32 Sorry I don't buy Rep. Tlaib's …
Aug 21, 2019 Donald J. Trump Tweets of August 21, 2019
military protection provided. Sorry
Aug 21, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks in an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Departure for Louisville, Kentucky
China—more than $500 billion. Sorry. Q. So it sounds like a recession …
Aug 25, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and an Exchange With Reporters in Biarritz, France
don't—— North Korea Q. Sorry, but, Mr. President, you …