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Results   26 - 50 of 4005 records found

Date Related Document Title
Dec 07, 1909 William Howard Taft First Annual Message
events in recent Pan-American diplomacy was the pacific, independent … administration and in its diplomacy faithful to the principles … international credit, in diplomacy as well as in finance. The …
Dec 06, 1910 William Howard Taft Second Annual Message
resisted every other resource of diplomacy , and which for nearly ninety …
Apr 05, 1911 William Howard Taft Message to the Senate Explaining Assistance Given Shipbuilders by State Department in Contest for Contract to Construct Argentine Battleships
inconsiderable achievement of diplomacy
Aug 04, 1911 William Howard Taft Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and Great Britain, Negotiated August 3, 1911
impossible in future to settle by diplomacy . Signature of William Howard …
Aug 04, 1911 William Howard Taft Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and France, Negotiated August 3, 1911
impossible in future to settle by diplomacy . Signature of William Howard …
Dec 05, 1911 William Howard Taft Third Annual Message
Dec 03, 1912 William Howard Taft Fourth Annual Message
have a farseeing and wise diplomacy and are not recklessly plunged …
Oct 27, 1913 Woodrow Wilson Address Before the Southern Commercial Congress in Mobile, Alabama
mere questions of policy and diplomacy . They are shot through with …
Dec 02, 1913 Woodrow Wilson First Annual Message
the ordinary processes of diplomacy they shall be publicly analyzed …
Jul 04, 1914 Woodrow Wilson Address at Independence Hall: "The Meaning of Liberty
that direction that all its diplomacy came to be designated as "dollar diplomacy ." It was called upon to support …
May 27, 1916 Woodrow Wilson Address delivered at the First Annual Assemblage of the League to Enforce Peace: "American Principles"
a new and more wholesome diplomacy . Only when the great nations … offenders against the law of diplomacy which we thus forecast; but …
Jun 10, 1916 Charles E. Hughes Telegram Accepting the Republican Nomination for President
indecision. I desire to see our diplomacy restored to its best standards …
Dec 04, 1917 Woodrow Wilson Fifth Annual Message
their sinister and secret diplomacy has sought to take our very …
Jan 08, 1918 Woodrow Wilson Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Conditions of Peace ["The Fourteen Points"]
understandings of any kind, but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly …
Feb 11, 1918 Woodrow Wilson Address to Congress on International Order
says, the principle of public diplomacy , but he appears to insist …
Feb 14, 1919 Woodrow Wilson Address at the Third Plenary Session of the Peace Conference in Paris, France
the ordinary processes of diplomacy , they will in no case resort … satisfactorily settled by diplomacy , they will submit the whole … settlement of the dispute, diplomacy having failed; and suppose …
Sep 17, 1919 Woodrow Wilson Address at the San Francisco Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California
history of international diplomacy that any great government …
Aug 07, 1920 James M. Cox Address Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination in Dayton, Ohio
only be a piece of bungling diplomacy , but plain, unadulterated … the genius, patience and diplomacy of states men at that time …
Feb 10, 1922 Warren G. Harding Address to the Senate Laying Before it a Group of Treaties Negotiated by the Washington Conference
to that open and simpler diplomacy for which the world has asked … developed a new-world school of diplomacy , let it be so called. It …
Jul 31, 1923 Warren G. Harding Address on Foreign Policy and the International Court of Justice Intended for Delivery in San Francisco, California
Jul 03, 1925 Calvin Coolidge Address at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of George Washington Taking Command of the Continental Army, Cambridge, Mass.
May 31, 1926 Calvin Coolidge Address at the Memorial Exercises at Arlington, Virginia
to the ordinary methods of diplomacy , here is a forum to which …
Dec 07, 1926 Calvin Coolidge Fourth Annual Message
prosperity. In some quarters our diplomacy is vexed with difficult and …
Aug 22, 1928 Al Smith Address of Acceptance at the State Capitol, Albany, New York
at the methods of secret diplomacy . Today we have close relations … life. In this respect our diplomacy has been futile. I believe …
Dec 10, 1928 Calvin Coolidge Address Before the Pan American Conference on Arbitration and Conciliation, Washington, D.C.
to introduce into modern diplomacy the principle of arbitration …