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Results   276 - 300 of 4006 records found

Date Related Document Title
Mar 21, 1972 Richard Nixon Statement About the Drug Abuse office and Treatment Act of 1972
enforcement, international diplomacy , and intelligence gathering--related …
Apr 14, 1972 Richard Nixon Address to a Joint Meeting of the Canadian Parliament.
the atmospherics of their diplomacy , but on the realities of …
Apr 15, 1972 Richard Nixon Remarks at a State Dinner for Representatives of the Organization of American States
He is one who has been in diplomacy most of his life, as most of you have been in diplomacy . Now diplomats have very … your lives to the service of diplomacy , to the service of peace …
May 31, 1972 Richard Nixon Toasts of the President and the Shah of Iran at a Luncheon in Tehran Honoring Their Imperial Majesties
is, being from a world of diplomacy and the rest-but the way …
Jun 01, 1972 Richard Nixon Address to a Joint Session of the Congress on Return From Austria, the Soviet Union, Iran, and Poland
pattern of U.S.-Soviet summit diplomacy in the cold war era is well …
Jul 11, 1972 Democratic Party Platforms 1972 Democratic Party Platform
Aug 21, 1972 Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1972
a golden age of American diplomacy . Never before has our country …
Aug 23, 1972 Richard Nixon Remarks on Accepting the Presidential Nomination of the Republican National Convention
unchangeable rule of international diplomacy that I have learned over …
Sep 18, 1972 Richard Nixon Remarks to the Washington Conference on International Narcotics Control.
we all know, in the era of diplomacy , when there are times that …
Oct 11, 1972 Richard Nixon Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the International Educational and Cultural Exchange Program.
unique example of citizens' diplomacy in action. I commend this …
Nov 02, 1972 Richard Nixon Address to the Nation: "Look to the Future."
world live. Our vigorous diplomacy has advanced the prospects …
Nov 04, 1972 Richard Nixon Radio Address on Foreign Policy
of patient and prolonged diplomacy . For the past 4 years this … in patient and prolonged diplomacy in every corner of the world … strength that has made our diplomacy credible and peace possible …
Jan 29, 1973 Richard Nixon Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1974
preserved only through patient diplomacy and negotiation supported …
Mar 29, 1973 Richard Nixon Address to the Nation About Vietnam and Domestic Problems
unbreakable rule of international diplomacy . You can't get something …
May 01, 1973 Richard Nixon Toasts of the President and Chancellor Willy Brandt of the Federal Republic of Germany
your own worldwide peace diplomacy , Mr. President. We shall …
May 03, 1973 Richard Nixon Fourth Annual Report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy.
doctrines of defense and diplomacy . The imperatives of change … introduced new calculations in our diplomacy . The U.S. defense effort … careful process of private diplomacy and public steps to engage …
May 19, 1973 Richard Nixon Remarks at Armed Forces Day Ceremonies, Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia.
mentioned as the result of diplomacy, diplomacy from the President and the … through a combination of diplomacy and strength. They can only … through that same combination-diplomacy and strength. Now, so far …
May 22, 1973 Richard Nixon Statements About the Watergate Investigations.
These involved highly secret diplomacy . They were closely interrelated …
May 24, 1973 Richard Nixon Remarks at a Reception for Returned Prisoners of War.
the field of international diplomacy --and this is true in all …
Oct 01, 1973 Richard Nixon Statement on Signing the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.
role in people-to-people diplomacy
Oct 11, 1973 Richard Nixon Remarks at the Conclusion of a Conference on Export Expansion.
structure. There must be new diplomacy , there must be the necessary …
Oct 15, 1973 Richard Nixon Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of 'Freedom to William P. Rogers and the Presidential Citizens Medal to Adele Rogers
to humanize the climate of diplomacy in a time of vital American …
Oct 16, 1973 Richard Nixon Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the International Educational and Cultural Exchange Program.
form of people-to-people diplomacy . All of these elements are …
Oct 24, 1973 Richard Nixon Veto of the War Powers Resolution
ability to exercise quiet diplomacy backed by subtle shifts in …
Nov 18, 1973 Richard Nixon Remarks at Ceremonies in Macon, Georgia, Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Walter F. George School of Law and the 90th Birthday of Carl Vinson
don't have to worry about our diplomacy , and we don't have to worry …