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Results   301 - 325 of 4005 records found

Date Related Document Title
Dec 15, 1973 Richard Nixon Statement on Signing the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act of 1973.
research, new technology, diplomacy , or exploration. I am delighted …
Feb 04, 1974 Richard Nixon Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1975.
requires patient and skillful diplomacy . To be effective, statesmanship …
Feb 05, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Hospital Association's House of Delegates.
if we continue the kind of diplomacy that will build a lasting …
Feb 14, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks at a Dedication Ceremony at the Cedars of Lebanon Health Care Center, Miami, Florida.
without firmness, without diplomacy , and without leadership by …
Mar 13, 1974 Richard Nixon Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
in the history of American diplomacy -both by our traditions and …
Apr 24, 1974 Richard Nixon Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation for Funding of Foreign Assistance Programs in Fiscal Year 1975
a vital complement to our diplomacy in maintaining the momentum …
May 25, 1974 Richard Nixon Radio Address About the Nation's Economy.
business, in the law, in diplomacy , and in the arts of government …
Jun 05, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks at Commencement Ceremonies at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland.
a goal to which American diplomacy is totally committed. And …
Jun 09, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks at a Luncheon of the National Citizens' Committee for Fairness to the Presidency.
from the standpoint of the diplomacy involved, in attempting to …
Jun 12, 1974 Richard Nixon Toasts of the President and President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt at a State Dinner in Cairo
a great deal of dedicated diplomacy on the part of all parties … will take not simply the diplomacy , brilliant though it was …
Jun 13, 1974 Richard Nixon Exchange With Reporters During a Train Trip From Cairo to Alexandria.
intricacies of international diplomacy and realizes, as we do, that … necessity in the field of diplomacy to handle each one of these …
Jun 14, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks of the President and King Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia at a State Dinner in Jidda
time in the history of world diplomacy . Over these past 3 years …
Jun 15, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks of the President and President Hasez al Asad of Syria at a State Dinner in Damascus
with your vast experience in diplomacy and negotiations, as would …
Jun 25, 1974 Richard Nixon Remarks on Arrival at Brussels, Belgium
happy results of untiring diplomacy have been confirmed. We all …
Jun 26, 1974 Richard Nixon Toasts of the President and King Baudouin of Belgium at a Luncheon in Brussels
their lives to the art of diplomacy , to carrying out whatever … how can they play a part in diplomacy , make original contributions …
Sep 19, 1974 Gerald R. Ford Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on United States Participation in the United Nations.
Nations, combined with bilateral diplomacy , are still crucial to promoting …
Oct 18, 1974 Gerald R. Ford Statement on Signing the Continuing Appropriations Resolution.
concerning the damage to our diplomacy that would result from its …
Nov 17, 1974 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at Anchorage, Alaska.
the list of priorities for diplomacy as far as I am concerned …
Dec 14, 1974 Gerald R. Ford Toasts of the President and President Giscard d'Estaing of France at a Dinner in Martinique
remarkable efforts of American diplomacy and the useful progress it …
Jan 15, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress Reporting on the State of the Union.
not sufficient. Effective diplomacy is also essential in preventing …
Jan 23, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Interview With John Chancellor and Tom Brokaw of NBC News.
shut out of Middle Eastern diplomacy since Dr. Kissinger began step-by-step diplomacy . Why was that? Couldn't the …
Feb 03, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1976.
international community. Our diplomacy , backed by a strong national …
Feb 13, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at a Dinner in New York City Honoring Vice President Rockefeller.
American leadership. Our diplomacy is still the best hope of … nations and fast-moving change, diplomacy is a process, not execution …
Mar 20, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at a Luncheon for Participants in the Travel Program for Foreign Diplomats.
It has been said that in diplomacy there are no true friendships--only …
Apr 10, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress Reporting on United States Foreign Policy.
dismantle our defenses, our diplomacy , or our intelligence capability …