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Results   3101 - 3125 of 4005 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jun 26, 2018 Karen Pence Press Release - Second Lady Karen Pence's Visit to Brasilia Renews Sister City Relationship
grow a strong foundation of diplomacy that promotes peace through …
Jun 28, 2018 Karen Pence Press Release - Second Lady Karen Pence's Visit to Quito, Ecuador Helps to Strengthen Sister City Relationship
best practices for citizen diplomacy . The group has united tens …
Jul 12, 2018 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference in Brussels, Belgium
effective way to conduct diplomacy ? And secondly, would you …
Jul 16, 2018 Mike Pence Remarks by the Vice President at the U.S. Department of Commerce
adding, in his words, that diplomacy and engagement is always …
Jul 16, 2018 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference With President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin of Russia in Helsinki, Finland
tradition of bold American diplomacy . From the earliest days of … leaders have understood that diplomacy and engagement is preferable … seen the consequences when diplomacy is left on the table. We …
Jul 17, 2018 Donald J. Trump Remarks in a Meeting With Republican Members of Congress and an Exchange With Reporters
the firm conviction that diplomacy and engagement is better …
Jul 23, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
Is the President open to diplomacy with Iran, meeting perhaps …
Aug 02, 2018 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a “Make America Great Again” Rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
said, "Whatever happened to diplomacy?" And by the way, whatever happened to diplomacy? You know, I used to study--not too much--diplomacy . I said, "Whatever happened …
Aug 13, 2018 Donald J. Trump Statement on Signing the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019
and to conduct the Nation's diplomacy . Other provisions of the …
Sep 24, 2018 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing on the President's Agenda at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City
Kind of the Super Bowl of diplomacy . Americans can be proud of …
Oct 04, 2018 Mike Pence Remarks by the Vice President on the Administration's Policy Toward China
China uses so-called "debt diplomacy " to expand its influence …
Feb 01, 2019 Donald J. Trump Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump to Withdraw the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
consequences. Nearly 6 years of diplomacy and more than 30 meetings …
Feb 05, 2019 Donald J. Trump Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union
far. As part of a bold new diplomacy , we continue our historic …
Feb 11, 2019 Donald J. Trump Press Release - Tod Lindberg: "Trump Is Serious About Diplomacy with North Korea"
expression of disapproval is not diplomacy. The special envoy also made clear that the diplomacy between the U.S. and North … details. President Trump's diplomacy is in some ways more 19th-century …
Feb 16, 2019 Mike Pence Remarks by the Vice President at the 2019 Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany
the South China Sea, debt diplomacy , interference in domestic …
Feb 19, 2019 Bernie Sanders Sanders Campaign Press Release - Bernie Sanders to Run for President on Promise to Transform the Country
democracy, human rights, diplomacy and world peace. The United …
Feb 19, 2019 Bernie Sanders Video Remarks Announcing Candidacy for President
democracy, human rights, diplomacy and world peace. The United …
Feb 21, 2019 Donald J. Trump Fact Sheet - President Trump Is Committed to Achieving Transformational Peace for the United States, the Korean Peninsula, and the World
quot;As part of a bold new diplomacy , we continue our historic …
Feb 21, 2019 Bernie Sanders Sanders Campaign Press Release - Sanders Campaign Announces First Co-Chairs
policy to prioritize peace, diplomacy and restraint instead of …
Feb 28, 2019 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam
Apr 02, 2019 Julián Castro Castro Campaign Press Release - People First Immigration
Prioritize high-level diplomacy with our neighbors in Latin …
Apr 11, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Moon Jae-in of South Korea and an Exchange With Reporters
and you initiated personal diplomacy with him, we saw the dramatic …
May 27, 2019 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a State Banquet Hosted by Emperor Naruhito of Japan in Tokyo, Japan
infrastructure, defense, commerce, diplomacy , and many other areas of …
Jun 12, 2019 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference With President Andrzej Duda of Poland
areas—from defense and diplomacy , to energy and economics—the …
Jun 18, 2019 Donald J. Trump Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 3055 - Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2020
authority over international diplomacy . Other provisions would contravene …