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Results   326 - 350 of 3993 records found

Date Related Document Title
Apr 15, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Address at the Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
starting point for hopeful new diplomacy . For their part, the Europeans …
Apr 19, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Toasts of the President and President Kenneth D. Kaunda of Zambia
deeply believe that patient diplomacy will bear great fruit, and …
Apr 21, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Interview With Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid, and Bob Schieffer of CBS News.
May 03, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at the U.S.S. Nimitz Commissioning Ceremony in Norfolk, Virginia.
mission is one of defense, diplomacy , or humanity, the Nimitz …
May 06, 1975 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
people--in terms of secret diplomacy and fighting a land war in …
May 28, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks on Departure for Europe
it's energy, the economy, diplomacy , security. And of course …
Jun 02, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Exchange With Reporters Following a Meeting With President Sadat of Egypt
would involve step-by-step diplomacy ? And two, did you discuss …
Jun 16, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Toasts of the President and President Scheel of the Federal Republic of Germany
democratic government and creative diplomacy . This tradition, Mr. President …
Jun 25, 1975 Gerald R. Ford The President's News Conference
a return to step-by-step diplomacy or a move to Geneva? THE … of Geneva or more shuttle diplomacy ? THE PRESIDENT. The options …
Aug 19, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Address in Minneapolis Before the Annual Convention of the American Legion.
language, the classic language of diplomacy . But I wish there were one …
Nov 29, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks on Arrival at Fairbanks, Alaska
in the Lower 48. Worldwide diplomacy would not be credible without …
Dec 06, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Remarks on Arrival at Manila, the Philippines
set the course of American diplomacy in a world of change, disruptive …
Dec 07, 1975 Gerald R. Ford Address at the University of Hawaii
own national resilience and diplomacy . We must continue to assist …
Jan 05, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks at the Annual Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation in St. Louis.
The linkage of grain [with] diplomacy would mean disruption and …
Jan 30, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Radio-Television News Directors Association.
using agripower in the world diplomacy . If that is so, how would …
Mar 13, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session in Wilkesboro, North Carolina.
in the history of American diplomacy . But you could go down a …
Mar 15, 1976 Jimmy Carter Remarks to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
the traditional channels of diplomacy . Fourth, our policies should … should make multilateral diplomacy a major part of our efforts …
Mar 29, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks Upon Presenting the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service
contribution to American diplomacy and Atlantic unity that will … analysis, the success of our diplomacy for peace depends upon our … opportunities for confident diplomacy . To diffuse powder kegs such …
Apr 10, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Annual Convention of the Texas Grain and Feed Association in El Paso.
as a pawn in international diplomacy . Now, I know there are people …
May 13, 1976 Jimmy Carter Address to the Conference on Nuclear Energy at the United Nations in New York City
May 24, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks to Members of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce and the San Diego Council of the Navy League
our efforts in defense, in diplomacy , and economic stability …
Jun 03, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following a Meeting on General Revenue Sharing.
those problems by skillful diplomacy , and that was the purpose …
Jun 06, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks in Cleveland at the National Awards Dinner of the National Conference of Christians and Jews
to use that strength, with diplomacy , to build a better world … conduct an imaginative, bold diplomacy that shows creative American …
Jun 16, 1976 Jimmy Carter Platform Proposals to the Platform Committee of the Democratic Party Meeting in New York City
Jun 22, 1976 Gerald R. Ford Remarks in Indianapolis at the Annual Convention of the United States Jaycees
negotiations and constructive diplomacy , we are seeking to reduce …