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Results   401 - 425 of 4006 records found

Date Related Document Title
Dec 21, 1979 Jimmy Carter International Economic Sanctions Against Iran Remarks Announcing Intention To Seek United Nations Action.
the foundation of civilized diplomacy is at stake; the integrity …
Jan 21, 1980 Jimmy Carter The State of the Union Annual Message to the Congress
Jan 24, 1980 Jimmy Carter Visit of Prime Minister Francesco Cossiga of Italy Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony.
application of international diplomacy to the maintenance of peace …
Feb 07, 1980 Jimmy Carter Remarks at the Annual Conference of the Consumer Federation of America
everything through private diplomacy , through every avenue, to …
Feb 13, 1980 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
contradicting every norm of diplomacy and international law—Senator …
Feb 27, 1980 Jimmy Carter International Science and Technology Message to the Congress Reporting on U.S. Programs.
technological aspects of diplomacy . This effort will be sustained …
Apr 29, 1980 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
facet of American life or diplomacy to the exclusion of others …
May 08, 1980 Jimmy Carter Department of State Remarks at the Swearing In of Edmund S. Muskie as Secretary.
I may not know all of the diplomacy , and I'm not sure that I …
May 13, 1980 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Editors and Broadcasters.
matters concerning defense and diplomacy . We have, domestically, a …
Jun 25, 1980 Jimmy Carter Interview With the President Responses to Written Questions Submitted by Wilton Fonseca of the Portuguese News Agency, ANOP.
AFRICA Q. What aspects of U.S. diplomacy in Africa do you feel represent …
Jun 26, 1980 Jimmy Carter Remarks to Embassy Employees and Members of the American Community in Madrid, Spain
times of peace, through sound diplomacy accurately representing what … us to recognize how much diplomacy has changed. You're here …
Jul 15, 1980 Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1980
hallowed place in American diplomacy , but it was casually, even … our warnings ignored, our diplomacy scorned, our diplomats kidnapped …
Aug 04, 1980 Jimmy Carter The President's News Conference
Aug 11, 1980 Democratic Party Platforms 1980 Democratic Party Platform
Aug 21, 1980 Jimmy Carter Boston, Massachusetts Remarks at the Annual Convention of the American Legion.
responsible, and courageous diplomacy . We have as a nation that … century. Like our weapons, our diplomacy must also be aimed at enhancing … firm and steady course of diplomacy and defense preparedness …
Sep 09, 1980 Jimmy Carter Perth Amboy, New Jersey Question-and-Answer Session With New Jersey News Editors.
and also in international diplomacy . And the other thing that …
Sep 23, 1980 Jimmy Carter Tacoma, Washington Remarks to Employees at the Continental Grain Terminal.
It's a major step forward in diplomacy , and it's a major step forward …
Oct 02, 1980 Jimmy Carter Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Interview With Correspondents of WCAU-TV.
problems not with gunboat diplomacy or with American military …
Oct 06, 1980 Jimmy Carter Addison, Illinois Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session with Du Page County Residents.
Oct 09, 1980 Jimmy Carter Tallahassee, Florida Remarks at a Fundraising Fish Fry for State Democratic House Nominees.
touched really by American diplomacy or American trade. We've …
Oct 20, 1980 Jimmy Carter New York, New York Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraising Dinner.
inevitable, through negotiation and diplomacy and a calm assurance that … stranglehold on our Nation's diplomacy formerly threatened at least … can be accomplished with diplomacy . These kinds of achievements …
Oct 20, 1980 Jimmy Carter Youngstown, Ohio Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session During a Live Television Broadcast.
Oct 24, 1980 Jimmy Carter Wyoming, Michigan Remarks and a Question-and. Answer Session With High School Students.
reasonable approach, insisting on diplomacy , not having to show that …
Oct 28, 1980 Jimmy Carter Cleveland, Ohio Remarks at the 1980 Presidential Campaign Debate.
Oct 28, 1980 Jimmy Carter Presidential Debate in Cleveland