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Results   751 - 775 of 4006 records found

Date Related Document Title
Sep 20, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders
credible threat of force with diplomacy . I want to thank President …
Sep 21, 1994 William J. Clinton Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials
which we believe the kinds of diplomacy that has been possible because … to discuss what kinds of diplomacy we should be engaging in …
Sep 24, 1994 William J. Clinton The President's Radio Address
interest enabled American diplomacy to succeed. Haiti's military …
Sep 26, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks to the 49th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City
alone if we must. We will use diplomacy when we can, but force if … chance at freedom. Creative diplomacy , the influence of economic … when a coalition backs up diplomacy with military power. For …
Sep 26, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks at a Luncheon for Heads of State in New York City
have focused on the use of diplomacy to prevent bloodshed and …
Sep 27, 1994 William J. Clinton Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials
element in continuing the diplomacy to solve the conflict. I … and maximum opportunity for diplomacy to have a chance. But we …
Sep 28, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks at a Reception for Business Leaders
direction of our American diplomacy so that now the American …
Sep 29, 1994 William J. Clinton Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
now and then, some act of diplomacy you can perform upon Mr …
Oct 05, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks at a Congressional Black Caucus Luncheon for President Nelson Mandela of South Africa
conflict resolution, through diplomacy and military conversion …
Oct 06, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks Aboard the U.S.S. Eisenhower in Norfolk, Virginia
in the sword of America's diplomacy . The success of the mission …
Oct 10, 1994 William J. Clinton Address to the Nation on Iraq
commitment, the power behind our diplomacy . Three and a half years ago …
Oct 13, 1994 William J. Clinton Teleconference Remarks to Broadcasters Associations
are the power behind our diplomacy . Last week, in the face of …
Oct 13, 1994 William J. Clinton Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Haiti
operation and determined diplomacy led to an agreement on September …
Oct 14, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks on the Restoration of Haitian Democracy
invasion and the skillful diplomacy by President Carter, General … in the sword of America's diplomacy . Thanks to your efforts …
Oct 15, 1994 William J. Clinton The President's Radio Address
the United States, tried diplomacy and economic sanctions to …
Oct 16, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks on the Return of the United States Delegation to Haiti
are the power behind our diplomacy . Thank you to the nations …
Oct 20, 1994 William J. Clinton Proclamation 6747—United Nations Day, 1994
rededicate ourselves to promoting diplomacy and crisis prevention in …
Oct 25, 1994 William J. Clinton Statement on Signing Legislation Regarding United States Policy Toward Haiti
combination of determined diplomacy and military resolve achieved …
Oct 27, 1994 William J. Clinton Background Briefing by Senior Administration Official
the importance of public diplomacy . Do you think -- and Assad … to accomplish the public diplomacy goals that you have said … progress on the issue of public diplomacy today. Q: Can you address …
Oct 27, 1994 William J. Clinton The President's News Conference With President Hafiz al-Asad of Syria in Damascus
in my judgment, the public diplomacy initiatives which have been …
Oct 28, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks to United States and Coalition Troops at Tactical Assembly Area Liberty in Kuwait
in the sword of American diplomacy . You are the best equipped …
Oct 29, 1994 William J. Clinton The President's Radio Address
secure peace in the Gulf, our diplomacy is also helping to make peace …
Oct 29, 1994 William J. Clinton Background Briefing by Senior Administration Official
terrorism is terrorism and diplomacy is diplomacy . But two -- that's in the … he ever got into shuttle diplomacy . Q-- spend that kind of time … plans for him to do shuttle diplomacy , and I would be very, very …
Nov 21, 1994 William J. Clinton Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on Upcoming Visit of President Kuchma of Ukraine
appropriations -- and very intensive diplomacy over this time period to …
Dec 05, 1994 William J. Clinton Remarks to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Budapest, Hungary
resolve conflicts, from shuttle diplomacy to longstanding missions …