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Results   5751 - 5775 of 5816 records found

Date Related Document Title
Dec 01, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter to Department Heads and Agencies Against Predicting an Early End of the War.
Dec 05, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Transmittal to Congress of the U.N.R.R.A.'s First Quarterly Report.
Dec 06, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9505—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of Cudahy Brothers Company of Cudahy, Wisconsin
Dec 12, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9506—Modifying the Conditions Upon Which a Classified Status May Be Granted
Dec 19, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Excerpts from the Press Conference
Dec 20, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9507—Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States
Dec 22, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Excerpts from the Press Conference
Dec 24, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Address to the Nation.
Dec 27, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Statement on the Seizure of Montgomery Ward Co. Properties
Dec 27, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9508—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and to Operate Certain Plants and Facilities of Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated
Dec 29, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Veto of a Bill Abolishing the Jackson Hole National Monument.
Jan 03, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Annual Budget Message
Jan 06, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Radio Address Summarizing the State of the Union Message.
Jan 06, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt State of the Union Address.
Jan 08, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9509—Regulations With Respect to the Uniforms of Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service, and Governing the Wearing of Such Uniforms
Jan 08, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9510—Transfer of Certain Personnel from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War Department
Jan 12, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9511—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Properties of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Located in and Around Cleveland, Ohio
Jan 16, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9512—Providing for Coordination of the Allocations of Field Positions Subject to the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended
Jan 17, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter on National Service Legislation.
Jan 17, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9513—Extending the Periods of Service or Training and Service of Persons Inducted into or Assigned to the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard
Jan 18, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9514—Amending Executive Order 9452 Authorizing the Secretary of State to Prescribe Regulations and Issue Orders and Instructions Relating to the Foreign Service of the United States
Jan 18, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 9515—Amendment of Rule 54 of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters
Jan 19, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Joint Statement with Great Britain and Canada on the Retention of Boards.
Jan 19, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Statement on the Retention of Boards Until the End of the War.
Jan 20, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugural Address.