Some APP Searches
These links will take you to particular sets of documents on the APP "Advanced Search" page. At that point it is easy to modify the search to incorporate other search interests. For instance, how often in documents referring to Women and Women's History have presidents mentioned a specific woman of interest to you?
We'll be adding new examples from time to time.
- Presidents and their Fathers (“My Dad. . . “ “My Father. . . “) This search will miss sentences starting with the solitary word “Dad. . .” Unfortunately, such a search generates many “false positives”—references to a president interacting with their own children, or recounting stories about how some other Dad interacted with his child(ren).
- Older Americans: Proclamations of "Days" and "Months" recognizing Senior Citizens and Older Americans. Many other Statements and Remarks relate to the Older Americans Act.
- Juneteenth
- Labor Day: Presidential Statements, Remarks, Orders
- Hispanic Heritage Month (or Week)
- Black History/African-American History Month (or Week)
- Women and Women’s History
- Founding Fathers in Presidential Talk
- Democratic Party Platforms
- Republican Party Platforms
- Presidential Disability. All APP documents with references to "Presidential disability" or "Presidential inability."
- Veterans Day, Presidential Statements, Remarks, Orders
- International Women's Day (or Year)