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ACTION Nomination of Mary E. King To Be Deputy Director of ACTION.

February 22, 1977

The President today announced that he will nominate Mary E. King to be Deputy Director of ACTION. In addition, Ms. King was appointed Special Advisor to the President on Women. The President indicated he would continue to counsel with her as he had in the past, and would, from time to time, send her as his representative to meetings pertaining to women.

Ms. King is the president of Mary King Associates, Inc., which she formed in 1972. The firm provides voluntary organizations and government agencies with research, technical assistance, planning and policy studies in health care, criminal justice, and drug and alcohol abuse.

In the 1976 Carter presidential campaign, Ms. King served as national director of the Committee of 51.3%, named for the proportion of females in the population of the United States. She was also then-Governor Carter's adviser on women and steered the Health Policy Task Force.

She is a founder and president of the National Association of Women Business Owners. She is a member of the board of the Women's Action Alliance and served on the Committee on Women and Employment of the U.S. National Commission for International Women's Year. She is also a member of the American Public Health Association Task Force on Jails and Prisons.

Ms. King was born in New York City on July 30, 1940. She received a B.A. degree in 1962 from Ohio Wesleyan University.

In 1962 she was a human relations specialist under a Marshall Field Foundation grant to the College Division of the YWCA in Atlanta. From 1963 to 1965, she was assistant director of communications for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Atlanta, Ga. and Jackson, Miss.

From 1968 to 1972, Ms. King served as a project officer with the Office of Health Affairs of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, and developed prototype health programs for rural and urban low income areas.

She is married to Dr. Peter G. Bourne, a psychiatrist who serves as Special Assistant to the President for Mental Health and Drug Abuse. They reside in Washington, D.C.

Jimmy Carter, ACTION Nomination of Mary E. King To Be Deputy Director of ACTION. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242479

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