Approved October 21, 1978
H.R. 12264 ............Public Law 95-494
An act to designate certain lands in the State of Wisconsin as wilderness.
H.R. 12250 ...........Public Law 95-495
An act to designate the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, to establish the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Mining Protection Area, and for other purposes.
S. 1081 ............... Public Law 95-496
An act to amend certain laws relating to the Osage Tribe of Oklahoma, and for other purposes.
H.R. 12051 ........... Public Law 95 497
An act relating to the application of certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to specified transactions by certain public employee retirement systems created by the State of New York or any of its political subdivisions.
S. 2588 ............... Public Law 95-498
An act to declare that the United States holds in trust for the Pueblo of Santa Ana certain public domain lands.
S. 2358 ............... Public Law 95-499 An act to declare that the United States holds in trust for the Pueblo of Zia certain public domain lands.
H.R. 8755 ............Public Law 95-500
An act to make specific provisions for ball or roller bearing pillow block, flange, takeup, cartridge, and hanger units in the Tariff Schedules of the United States, and for other purposes.
S. 3447 ............... Public Law 95-501
Agricultural Trade Act of 1978.
H.R. 8533 ...........Public Law 95-502
An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that income from the conducting of certain bingo games by certain tax exempt organizations will not be subject to tax.
H.R. 12556 .......... Private Law 95-62
An act for relief of Batavia Turf Farms, Incorporated.
Approved October 24, 1978
S. 2411 ................ Public Law 95-503
An act to amend chapter 315 of title 18, United States Code, to authorize payment of transportation expenses for persons released from custody pending their appearance to face criminal charges before that court, any division of that court, or any court of the United States in another Federal judicial district.
S. 2493 ................ Public Law 95-504
Airline Deregulation Act of 1978.
H.R. 11658 ............ Public Law 95-505
An act to amend title XI of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, to permit the guarantee of obligations for financing Great Lakes vessels in an amount not exceeding 87¼ per centum of the actual or depreciated actual cost of each vessel.
H.R. 13767 ............ Public Law 95-506
An act to amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 to permit the recovery of replacement cost of motor vehicles and other related equipment and supplies.
H.R. 11318 ............ Public Law 95-507
An act to amend the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958.
H.R. 12165 ............. Public Law 95-508
An act to extend until the close of June 30, 1981, the existing suspension of duties on certain metal waste and scrap, unwrought metal, and other articles of metal, and for other purposes.
H.R. 11686 ............. Public Law 95-509
Department of Energy National Security and Military Applications of Nuclear Energy Authorization Act of 1979.
H.R. 13418 ............. Public Law 95-510
An act to amend the Small Business Act by transferring thereto those provisions of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 affecting the operation of volunteer programs to assist small business, to increase the maximum allowable compensation and travel expenses for experts and consultants, and for other purposes.
Approved October 25, 1978
S. 1566 ................ Public Law 95-511
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
S. 3412 ............... Public Law 95-512
Comptroller General Annuity Adjustment Act of 1978.
H.J. Res. 1147 ....... Public Law 95-513
A joint resolution authorizing and requesting the President to designate the seven-day period beginning on May 28, 1979, as "Vietnam Veterans Week".
H.R. 10587 ............Public Law 95-514
Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978.
S. 1185 ................ Public Law 95-515
Interstate Horseracing Act of 1978.
H.R. 10161 ............ Public Law
95-516 An act for the relief of Eastern Telephone Supply and Manufacturing, Incorporated, and other matters.
H.R. 11945 ........... Public Law 95-517
An act to authorize the Secretary of the Army to return to the Federal Republic of Germany ten paintings of the German Navy seized by the United States Army at the end of World War II.
H.R. 12112 ............ Public Law 95-518
An act designating Gathright Lake on the Jackson River, Virginia, as Gathright Dam and Lake Moomaw.
S. 1626 ................ Public Law 95-519
An act to clarify the status of certain legislative and judicial officers under the provisions of title 5, United States Code, relating to annual and sick leave, and for other purposes.
H.R. 5029 ........... Public Law 95 520
Veterans' Administration Programs Extension Act of 1978.
S. 555 ................ Public Law 95-521
Ethics in Government Act of 1978.
Approved October 27, 1978
H.R. 13481 ............Public Law 95-522
An act to name the post office and Federal building in Portland, Maine, the "Frederick G. Payne Building".
H.R. 50 ............... Public Law 95-523
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978.
S. 2570 ............... Public Law 95-524
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978.
H.R. 7296 ............. Public Law 95-525
An act to designate the new Terminal Radar Approach Control Federal Building in Hempstead, Long Island, New York, as the "Charles A. Lindbergh Federal Building".
H.R. 12116 ............ Public Law 95-526
An act to amend the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act to repeal the authority of the President to sustain vetoes by the Mayor of the District of Columbia of acts passed by the Council of the District of Columbia and repassed by two-thirds of the Council, to change the period during which acts of the Council of the District of Columbia are subject to congressional review, and for other purposes.
H.R. 7305 ............. Public Law 95-527
An act to designate a certain Federal building in Champaign, Illinois, the "William L. Springer Building".
H.R. 13808 ............ Public Law 95-528
An act to designate the "Omar Burleson Federal Building".
H.R. 13809 ............ Public Law 95-529
An act to designate the "George Mahon Federal Building".
H.R. 13892 ............ Public Law 95-530
An act to amend title 28 of the United States Code to provide that the requirement that each United States attorney and United States marshal reside in the district for which he is appointed shall not apply to an individual appointed to such a position for the Northern Mariana Islands if such individual is at the same time serving in the same capacity in another district.
H.R. 14223 ............ Public Law 95-531
An act to designate a certain Federal building in Bloomington, Illinois, the "Leslie C. Arends Building".
H.R. 14295 ........... Public Law 95-532
An act to designate the "Paul G. Rogers Federal Building".
H.J. Res. 747 ........Public Law 95-533
A joint resolution to consent to an amendment of the constitution of the State of New Mexico to provide a method for executing leases and other contracts for the development and operation of geothermal steam and waters on lands granted or confirmed to such State.
H.J. Res. 816 .......... Public Law 95-534
A joint resolution to extend the authority of the Federal Reserve banks to buy and sell certain obligations.
S. 2049 ................ Public Law 95-535
An act to establish fees and allow per diem and mileage expenses for witnesses before United States Courts.
S. 2403 ............... Public Law 95-536
An act to consent to certain amendments to the New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate School Compact, approved by Public Law 91-21.
S. 3336 ............... Public Law 95-537
Contract Services for Drug Dependent Federal Offenders Act of 1978.
S. 3540 ............... Public Law 95-538
An act to rename the United States Federal building in Yakima, Washington, the "Justice William O. Douglas Federal Building".
H.R. 1396 ............. Private Law 95-63
An act for the relief of Mrs. Sun Pok Winer.
H.R. 1446 ............. Private Law 95-64
An act for the relief of Lester Bruce Priday.
H.R. 1449 ............. Private Law 95-65
An act for the relief of Geoffrey Parnham.
H.R. 2662 ............. Private Law 95-66
An act for the relief of Christopher Robert West.
H.R. 2940 ............. Private Law 95-67
An act for the relief of Daniel Crowley.
H.R. 4535 ............. Private Law 95-68
An act for the relief of Kazuko Nishioka Dowd,
H.R. 5230 ............. Private Law 95-69
An act for the relief of Jung In Bang,
H.R. 5933 ............. Private Law 95-70
An act for the relief of Jonathan Winston Max.
H.R. 6801 ............. Pt/rate Law 95-71
An act for the relief of Hye Jin Wilder.
H.R. 7604 ............. Private Law 95-72
An act for the relief of Margaret Somerville Jefferis.
H.R. 8810 ............. Private Law 95-73
An act for the relief of Kim In Hyung.
H.R. 8927 ............. Private Law 95-74
An act for the relief of Monika Grantz.
H.R. 9352 ............. Private Law 95-75
An act for the relief of James William Dibben.
H.R. 9568 ............. Private Law 95-76
An act for the relief of Renate Irene McCord.
H.R. 9610 ............. Private Law 95-77
An act for the relief of Raymond Vishnu Clemons.
H.R. 9611 ............. Private Law 95-78
An act for the relief of Craig Day.
H.R. 9613 ............. Private Law 95-79
An act for the relief of Eustace John D'Souza.
H.J. Res. 489 .......... Private Law 95-80
A joint resolution granting the status of permanent residence to certain aliens.
S. 1484 ............... Private Law 95-81
An act for the relief of Michael Bruce Holland.
Jimmy Carter, Acts Approved by the President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project