Approved May 19, 1980
H.R. 126 .........Public Law 96-244
An act to permit the Secretary of the Interior to accept privately donated funds and to expend such funds on property on the National Register of Historic Places.
Approved May 21, 1980
H.R. 5673 .......Public Law 96-245
An act to authorize the use of certified mail for the transmission or service of matter which, if mailed, is required by certain Federal laws to be transmitted or served by registered mail, and for other purposes.
Approved May 23, 1980
H.R. 6839 .......Public Law 96-246
An act to authorize appropriations under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to carry out State cooperative programs through fiscal year 1982.
H.R. 10 ...........Public Law 96-247
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.
H.R. 3928 .......Public Law 96-248
An act to amend the Act of November 8, 1978 (92 Stat. 3095), to designate certain Cibola National Forest lands as additions to the Sandia Mountain Wilderness, New Mexico.
Jimmy Carter, Acts Approved by the President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project