Approved October 13, 1980
H.R. 7592............Public Law 96-436
Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1981.
H.R. 5546............Public Law 96-437
An act to amend the United States Grain Standards Act to permit grain delivered to export elevators by any means of conveyance other than barge to be transferred into such export elevators without .official weighing, and for other purposes.
S. 985................Public Law 96-438
An act to amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act.
Approved October 13—Continued
H.R. 7779...........Public Law 96-439
An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to authorize three additional judges for the Tax Court and to remove the age limitation on appointments to the Tax Court.
S. 1790..............Public Law 96-440
Privacy Protection Act of 1980.
H.R. 8103...........Public Law 96-441
An act to rename the National Collection of Fine Arts and the Museum of History and Technology of the Smithsonian Institution as the National Museum of American Art and the National Museum of American History, respectively.
H.R. 5048...........Public Law 96-442
Manassas National Battlefield Park Amendments of 1980.
H.J. Res. 568..........Public Law 96-443
A joint resolution to authorize and request the President to issue a proclamation designating October 12 through October 19, 1980, as "Italian-American Heritage Week".
S. 2936..............Public Law 96-444
An act to transfer certain employees of the Architect of the Capitol to the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate.
H.R. 6440..........Public Law 96-445
An act to establish priorities in the payment of claims against the People's Republic of China.
S. 2185..............Public Law 96-446
An act to authorize the acceptance and use of bequests and gifts for disaster relief.
S. 2511...............Public Law 96-447
Civil Rights Commission Authorization Act of 1980.
Approved October 14, 1980
S. 1946..............Public Law 96-448
Staggers Rail Act of 1980.
H.R. 7085...........Public Law 96-449
Hostage Relief Act of 1980.
S. 2597.............. Public Law 96-450
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1981.
H.R. 4310...........Public Law 96-451
An act to amend the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 to promote recreational boating safety through the development, administration, and financing of a national recreational boating safety improvement program, and for other purposes.
Approved October 14—Continued
H.R. 7665...........Public Law 96-452
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Reorganization Act of 1980.
S. 2961...............Private Law 96-62
An act for the relief of Viktor Ivanovich Belenko.
Approved October 15, 1980
H.R. 5451............Public Law 96-453
Maritime Education and Training Act of 1980.
S. 1798..............Public Law 96454
Household Goods Transportation Act of 1980.
H.R. 4273............Public Law 96-455
An act to amend section 17 of the Act of July 5, 1946, as amended, entitled "An Act to provide for the registration and protection of trade-marks used in commerce, to carry out the provisions of certain international conventions, and for other purposes".
S. 1482.............. Public Law 96-456
Classified Information Procedures Act.
S. 1640...............Public Law 96457
An act to extend certain authorities of the Secretary of the Interior with respect to water resources research and development and saline water conversion research and development programs, and for other purposes.
S. 1873...............Public Law 96-458
Approved October 15—Continued
Judicial Councils Reform and Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980.
H.R. 6554...........Public Law 96-459
Maritime Appropriation Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1981.
H.R. 4417............Public Law 96460
Chesapeake Bay Research Coordination Act of 1980.
S. 2320..............Public Law 96-461
National Bureau of Standards Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1981 and 1982.
H.R. 8178............Public Law 96462
Federal District Court Organization Act of 1980.
S. 2412..............Public Law 96-463
Used Oil Recycling Act of 1980.
Approved October 17, 1980
S. 2622...............Public Law 96464
Coastal Zone Management Improvement Act of 1980.
H.R. 6790............ Public Law 96465
Foreign Service Act of 1980.
H.R. 5288.............Public Law 96-466
Veterans' Rehabilitation and Education Amendments of 1980.
H.R. 3122.............Public Law 96-467
An act relating to the tariff treatment of certain articles.
H.R. 6593............Public Law 96-468
Swine Health Protection Act.
S. 2043...............Public Law 96469
Animal Cancer Research Act.
Jimmy Carter, Acts Approved by the President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project