Advisory: Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff to Travel to the Republic of the Philippines

June 26, 2022

On Sunday, June 26th, Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff will travel to Manila, Republic of the Philippines where he will lead the Presidential Delegation to the Inauguration of His Excellency Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr. as President of the Republic of the Philippines, on June 30, 2022. In Manila, Mr. Emhoff will meet with President Marcos and Vice President Sara Duterte-Carpio. He will also meet with alumni of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative and visit the Manila American Cemetery. Portions of this trip will be open to pre-credentialed press. Additional details to follow.

Doug Emhoff, Advisory: Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff to Travel to the Republic of the Philippines Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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