Joe Biden

Advisory: Vice President Biden to Travel to Panama

October 25, 2013

Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Panama the third week of November to meet with President Martinelli and to tour the Panama Canal expansion project. In his meeting with President Martinelli, the Vice President will discuss our bilateral partnership and emphasize our mutual interest in improving integration in Central America as a means to accelerate regional economic growth. The Vice President's visit to the Panama Canal expansion project follows on his September visits to the ports of Baltimore, Charleston, and Savannah to highlight the importance of infrastructure investments in the United States. The project will nearly triple the capacity of the canal and will allow significantly larger ships to call on U.S. ports, helping spark job creation and prosperity at home and across the Americas. Additional details about the Vice President's trip will be released at a later date.

Joseph R. Biden, Advisory: Vice President Biden to Travel to Panama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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