The President today announced that the administration's efforts to hold Federal civilian employment levels to the minimum necessary for the efficient operation of the Government have been successful.
On September 30, 1977, Federal civilian employment in the executive branch was below the ceiling established for that date. The ceilings were announced on June 17, 1977.
permanent Total *
Ceilings established for Sept. 30, 1977 1,934, 200 2, 116, 000
Actual employment, Sept. 30, 1977 1,908, 900 2, 107, 000
Difference 25, 300 8, 900
Percent below
estimate 1.3 0. 4
*"Total" employment includes full-time permanent as well as temporary, part-time, and intermittent employees. These figures do not include the Postal Service, which controls its own employment.
Jimmy Carter, Announcement of Federal Civilian Employment Levels Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project