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Remarks to Reporters Announcing the Appointment of Ambassador Philip C. Habib as the President's Special Representative for the Middle East
Ronald Reagan
Appointment of John F. Duffy as a Member of the National Institute of Justice Advisory Board
Recess Appointment of Martha O. Hesse as an Assistant Secretary of Energy
Appointment of Seymour Siegel as Executive Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council
Appointment of Six Members of the National Institute of Justice Advisory Board
Recess Appointment of Donald P. Hodel as Secretary of Energy
Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and Designation as Chairman and Vice Chairman
Appointment of Norman C. Roberts as a United States Representative on the Joint Commission on the Environment
Appointment of Four Members of the National Advisory Council on Continuing Education
Appointment of Vincent C. Gray as a Member of the President's Committee on Mental Retardation