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Statement on Signing a Disaster Assistance Supplemental Appropriations Bill.
Richard Nixon
Statement on Signing a Bill Permitting Continuation of the Guaranteed Student Loan Program.
Statement on Signing a Disaster Recovery Bill.
Statement About Signing a Bill Providing for a National Safety Inspection Program for Dams
Statement About Signing a Bill Permitting Presidential Appointment of Sons of Prisoners of War and Missing in Action to the Military Academies
Statement About Signing a Bill Providing Emergency Highway Repairs Following Tropical Storm Agnes and the South Dakota Flood
Statement on Signing a Bill To Facilitate the Preservation of Historic Structures Donated to State and Local Governments.
Remarks on Signing a Bill Amending the Federal Crop Insurance Act
Statement About Signing the National Capital Transportation Act of 1972
Statement on Signing the Ports and Waterways Safety Act of 1972.