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Graham Campaign Press Release - Graham 2016 Announces The Endorsement Of Iowa State Senator Tim Kapucian
Lindsey Graham
Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump Monologue - SNL
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Here's What Conservatives Are Saying about Marco Rubio's Plans for College Affordability
Marco Rubio
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Congressman Mo Brooks Endorses Ted Cruz For President, Named Chairman of Alabama Leadership Team
Ted Cruz
Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: National Review: Ted Cruz Is Right: The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Terrorist Organization
Carson Campaign Press Release - Ben Carson Isn't Backing Down (Conservative Review)
Ben Carson
Carson Campaign Press Release - Sorry, Media, You Won't Destroy Ben Carson (National Review)
Graham Campaign Press Release - Lindsey Graham to Livewire the GOP Republican Debate
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio Explains Exactly Why President Obama's Disrespect for Israel Is So Foolish
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Equal Pay For Women Isn't Just Fair—it's a Game Changer For the Economy. Here's Why
Hillary Clinton