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Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: A Texas-Sized Town Hall
Hillary Clinton
Obama: 'We Will Not Leave Any of Our Veterans Behind'
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Live from New York
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Volunteers Join Hillary in "Solutions for America" Caravan
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Middleweight Boxing Champion Kelly Pavlik Endorses Hillary in Youngstown
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Misleading Attack: Sen. Obama Flubs in Ohio
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Testimonials: Former Admirals, Generals and Senior Defense Officials on Why They Support Hillary Clinton to be the Next Commander-in-Chief
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Calls on Sen. Obama to Release Records and Correspondence Relating to Tony Rezko
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Eighteen Former Admirals, Generals and Senior Defense Officials on Why They Support Hillary Clinton to be the Next Commander-in-Chief
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Statement from Howard Wolfson in Response to Sen. Obama's Attack on Hillary Clinton
Obama Campaign Press Release - Representative Jessica Farrar Endorses Barack Obama For President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Ohio Labor Leaders Call on Senator Obama to Come Clean on NAFTA
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Melanie Griffith And Eva Longoria Parker Endorse Hillary, Set To Appear At Texas Town Hall
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - General Henry Hugh Shelton Endorses
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Campaign Airs New TV Ads in Texas
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Vermont Woman Newspaper Endorses Hillary for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - El Paso Mayor John Cook Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: In the States
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New National Security Ad Asks Voters Who They Want In The White House During A Crisis
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Pledges 'Sacred Trust' with Veterans