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Obama Campaign Press Release - Sioux City Journal Endorses Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Statement From Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, Iowa State Director For John Edwards For President
John Edwards
Obama Campaign Press Release - State Rep. Wayne Ford Endorses Obama for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Quad City Times Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - State Representative Mark Davitt Endorses Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Burlington Hawk Eye Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - General Johnnie Wilson Endorses Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Former Defense Secretary William J. Perry Endorses Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton: Standing with Veterans and Honoring Their Service
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Sioux City Journal Endorses Governor Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton: Promoting a Loving Family for Every Child
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Vows to Protect Kids and Ban Toys with lead
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: Quad City Times for Hillary
Romney Campaign Press Release - Class Warfare Demagoguery Used by the Democrats
Thompson Campaign Press Release - Thompson Releases Special Christmas Holiday Video Message
Fred Thompson
Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Record: Supporting Pro-Growth Tax Policies
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Day 3: Working for Change, Making History
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Dolores Huerta Kicks Off "Holiday Parties for Hillary"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton: Addressing the Needs of Families as They Care for Parents and Children
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Iowa Labor Leaders Endorse Hillary for President