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Speech by Vice President Richard Nixon at the 21st Annual Plowing Contest, Guthrie Center, IA
Richard Nixon
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Towson Shopping Center, Towson, MD
John F. Kennedy
Speech of Vice President Nixon, Television Appearance, WHO-TV, Des Moines, IA
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Lebanon, PA
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Pikesville Armory, Pikesville, MD
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Columbia Park, PA
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Reading, PA
Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Pikesville Armory Pikesville, MD - (Advance Release Text)
Remarks of Vice President Nixon, Sunnyside Park, Atlantic, IA
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, York County Fair, York, PA