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Remarks on the Occasion of the 428 Annual Mountain State Forest Festival in Elkins, West Virginia
Jimmy Carter
Remarks on Arrival at the Asheville Municipal Airport in Asheville, North Carolina
Wilson, North Carolina Remarks at a Democratic Party Rally for John Ingram.
Norfolk, Virginia Remarks at a Campaign Rally for Democratic Candidates for State Office.
Roanoke, Virginia Remarks at a Campaign Rally for Democratic Candidates for State Office.
Trenton, New Jersey Remarks at a Rally in the Chambersburg Neighborhood
Remarks at the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, New Jersey
Remarks on the Presidential Election Results and Telegram Congratulating President-elect Jimmy Carter on His Victory
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at the Railroad Depot in Plains, Georgia Following Return from Campaign Headquarters in Atlanta
Remarks in Atlanta Accepting Election as the 39th President of the United States
Remarks to Supporters at the Railroad Depot in Plains, Georgia
Remarks While Awaiting Presidential Election Results
Remarks at a Rally on Arrival at Grand Rapids, Michigan
Remarks on Arrival at Detroit, Michigan
Remarks on Departure From Akron, Ohio
Remarks at the Ohio State Capitol in Columbus
Remarks on the Eve of the Presidential Election
Interview in "Outdoor Life"
Remarks in Livonia, Michigan
News Conference in Sacramento, California