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Interview by The Daily News Editorial Board
Bernie Sanders
Interview with Rachel Maddow of MSNBC in Madison, Wisconsin
Interview with Erin Burnett of CNN
Remarks at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, DC
John Kasich
Ted Cruz
Remarks on Policy in the Middle East in Salt Lake City, Utah
Hillary Clinton
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Interview with Chris Hayes of MSNBC's "All In"
Remarks in Miami, Florida Following the Michigan and Mississippi Democratic Primaries
Remarks at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City
Mitt Romney
Remarks in Essex Junction, Vermont Following the "Super Tuesday" Primaries
Interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News' "This Week"
Interview with Chuck Todd of NBC News' "Meet the Press"
Remarks with Chris Matthews at the MSNBC "Hardball" College Tour at the University of Chicago
Remarks at a Campaign Rally for Jeb Bush in Charleston, South Carolina
George W. Bush
Interview with Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday"
Remarks in Concord Following the New Hampshire Primary
Interview with Rachel Maddow of MSNBC
Interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News "This Week"
Interview with Jake Tapper of CNN's "State of the Union"
Interview with Chuck Todd of NBC News "Meet the Press"
Interview with John Dickerson of CBS News "Face the Nation"
Remarks at the CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall in Derry, New Hampshire
Interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN
Interview with Chris Matthews of MSNBC
Remarks in Des Moines Following the Iowa Caucus
Marco Rubio
Interview with Robin Roberts and Jonathan Karl of ABC's "Good Morning America"
Interview with Alisyn Camerota of CNN's "New Day"
Remarks at a Campaign Rally in Marshalltown, Iowa
Remarks in a Meeting with Steelworkers in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Interview with Jake tapper of CNN's "State of the Union"