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Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Trump Proposal to Bar All Muslims from U.S.
Bernie Sanders
Statement by Governor John Kasich in Response to President Obama's National Remarks on Terrorism
John Kasich
Statement by Senator Rand Paul on President Obama's Address to the Nation
Rand Paul
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz in Response to the President's Address
Ted Cruz
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz in Advance of the President's Address
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on Chanukah
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on the Chicago Police Department
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement from North America's Building Trades
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement from U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce
Statement by Senator Rand Paul on the Defend Our Capital Act of 2015
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on the Montgomery Bus Boycott Anniversary
Statement by Rick Santorum on Obama's Biofuels Ruling
Rick Santorum
Statement by Ben Carson on His Trip to Visit Syrian Refugees
Ben Carson
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Laquan McDonald
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on Thanksgiving
Hillary Clinton Statement about Laquan McDonald
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement from Laborers' International Union of North America
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Health Care
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on the Anniversary of DAPA
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Trump