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Hillary Clinton's Statement on Endorsement of National Education Association (NEA)
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement On Replacing the 'Cadillac Tax' As Part Of Her Plan To Defend and Improve Affordable Care Act
Statement on Endorsement of Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association (OPCMIA)
Statement by Governor Bobby Jindal: DC Needs Term Limits
Bobby Jindal
Statement by Governor Bobby Jindal: President Obama Lied to Pope Francis
Statement by Governor Bobby Jindal: Why is Harry Reid Still Running the Senate?
Statement by Senator Lindsey Graham in Response to Hillary Clinton Opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline
Lindsey Graham
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Prices for Prescription Drugs
Bernie Sanders
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on Yom Kippur
Ted Cruz
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Statement by Rick Santorum on Scott Walker Exiting the Presidential Race
Rick Santorum
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on the Suspension of the Scott Walker Campaign
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Dr. Carson Comments
Statement by Senator Lindsey Graham: "Only Candidate With the Experience, Will, and Uncompromising Determination to Win the War Against Terrorism"
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on the Federal Reserve Leaving Interest Rates Unchanged
Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement from United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers
Hillary Clinton's Statement on Missouri Vote Blocking 'Right to Work' Law
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Trade Unions
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz in Observance of Rosh Hashanah
Statement by Governor Walker on the 14th Anniversary of the Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks
Scott Walker