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Statement by Hillary Clinton on Fix To Student Crisis
Hillary Clinton
Statement By John McCain On Senator Barack Obama And Benefits For Our Veterans
John McCain
Statement By John McCain On Senator Obama And National Security
Hillary Clinton Statement on Sen. Kennedy
Statement By John McCain On Senator Ted Kennedy
Statement by Hillary Clinton on Cuban Independence Day
Hillary Clinton Statement On Senator McCain's Speech
Statement from Hillary Clinton
Senator Clinton Statement on Senator McCain's Speech Today
Obama Statement on Passage of the Senate Farm Bill
Barack Obama
Obama Statement on the National Peace Officer Memorial Day
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the rocket attacks on Ashkelon
Hillary Clinton Statement on the Earthquake in China
Hillary Clinton Statement on Voter Identification Laws
Statement by Hillary Clinton on Senator McCain's Climate Change Proposal
Statement by Hillary Clinton on the Current Situation in Burma
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Earthquake in China
Senator Obama's Mother's Day Statement
Hillary Clinton Statement on Lebanon
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the situaton in Lebanon
Hillary Clinton Statement on the Farm Bill
Statement By John McCain On The 60th Anniversary Of Israel's Founding
Statement by Senator Hillary Clinton on the Occasion of Israel's 60th Anniversary
Statement of Barack Obama on Israel's 60th Independence Day
Statement By John McCain on the Inauguration of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Statement By John McCain On The Inauguration Of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Obama Statement on the Tragedy in Burma
Statement by John McCain on Cinco de Mayo and Announcement of New Spanish Website
Statement by Hillary Clinton on the Cyclone in Burma
Statement from Hillary Clinton on Cinco de Mayo
Statement from Hillary Clinton on Today's Results in Guam
Statement by Hillary Clinton on the Gas Tax
Statement of Barack Obama on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Statement By John McCain on Today's Jobs Report
Hillary Clinton Statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Hillary Clinton Statement on the April Jobs Report
Statement By John McCain On The National Day Of Prayer