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Senator Obama On Today's Hamdan Verdict
Barack Obama
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the 15th Anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act
Opinion Piece by John McCain in the New York Daily News: "It's Time for Education Reform"
John McCain
Statement By John McCain On The CDC Reporter On HIV In America
Statement by John McCain on Today's Jobs Report
Statement by Senator Obama Announcing Emergency Economic Plan
Obama Statement on Bipartisan Energy Plan
Statement from Senator Barack Obama on Record Exxon Mobil Profits
Statement by John McCain on the 50th Anniversary of NASA
Statement by Senator Obama on NASA's 50th Anniversary
Statement by John McCain on The Federal Budget Deficit
Statement from Senator Barack Obama on President Bush's Decision to Support the Bipartisan Housing Bill
Statement of Senator Obama on Tensions in the Caucasus Region Between Georgia and Russia
Statement by John McCain on Recent Iraq Progress
Statement by John McCain on Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser
Statement from Senator Barack Obama on Al Gore's Crucial Efforts to Address the Climate Crisis
Statement by Senator Obama on the Prisoner Exchange today between Israel and Hezbollah
Statement by Senator Obama on the Death of Bronislaw Geremek
Statement By John McCain On The Passing Of Tony Snow
Statement by John McCain on Secretary Gates Reopening Tanker Bidding
Statement by John McCain on Senate Medicare Vote
Statement by John McCain on Today's Missile Tests by Iran
Barack Obama Statement on Formation of Serbian Government
Obama Statement On Job Numbers
Statement by John McCain on the Groundbreaking of the New National Military Medical Center
Statement by John McCain on Today's Hostage Rescue in Colombia
Obama Statement on Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
Statement by John McCain on Meeting with Reverends Billy and Franklin Graham
Statement By John McCain On National HIV Testing Day
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the North Korean Declaration
Statement by John McCain on Today's North Korea Announcement
Statement by John McCain on Today's Supreme Court Ruling on Second Amendment Rights
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the crisis in Zimbabwe
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Anniversary of Title IX
Statement By John McCain On Barack Obama And NAFTA
Statement by Senator Obama Honoring Juneteenth Celebration
Statement by Senator McCain On Barack Obama And Habeas Corpus
Obama Statement on Reports that US Soldiers are Being Recruited for Dangerous Drug Tests
Statement by John McCain on the Midwest Floods
Statement By John McCain on the Passing of Tim Russert
Obama Statement on Today's Supreme Court Decision
Obama Statement on Midwest Flooding
Obama Statement on Trade Deficit Increase
Obama Statement on Clinton Endorsement
Statement By John McCain On Today's Jobs Report
Statement from U.S. Senator Barack Obama on this month's jobs report
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Climate Change Bill
Statement from Hillary Clinton On Gay Pride Month
Hillary Clinton
Senator Obama's Statement on Caribbean Heritage Month
Statement from Hillary Clinton on Investigating Oil Price Manipulation
Obama Statement on Army Suicide Report
Letter to Superdelegates
Hillary Clinton Statement On The Record Decline In Housing Prices
Obama Statement Honoring Memorial Day
Hillary's Statement on Memorial Day
Obama Statement In Support of Striking Bay Area Janitors
Hillary Clinton Statement on Contracting Abuses in Iraq
Statement from Hillary Clinton