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Statement by Newt Gingrich Responding to Obama Distortion of His Position on Medicare Reform
Newt Gingrich
Statement by Ron Paul on House Passage of Paul Ryan Budget
Ron Paul
Statement by Mitt Romney on the Vote on the Budget Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives
Mitt Romney
Statement by Mitt Romney on President George H. W. Bush's Endorsement
Statement by Newt Gingrich on Obama's "Flexibility" In Defending America and Her Allies
Statement by Mitt Romney on the Obama Administration's Missile Defense Policy
Rick Santorum
Statement by Mitt Romney on the Results of the Louisiana Primary
Statement by Rick Santorum Expressing Well-Wishes to Former Vice President Cheney
Statement by Rick Santorum in Reaction to the Claim He Would Vote for President Obama
Statement by Newt Gingrich on the Two-Year Anniversary of Obamacare