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Statement by Mitt Romney on Labor Day
Mitt Romney
Statement by Herman Cain - Another Speech, Another Zero for Obama
Herman Cain
Statement by Michele Bachmann on the August Jobless Report: "The American People Don't Need Speeches, They Need Jobs."
Michele Bachmann
Statement by Senator Santorum - "...President Obama's Economic Policies Would Need to Improve Dramatically to Even be Described as 'Incompetent'"
Rick Santorum
Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on August Job Numbers
Rick Perry
Statement by Newt Gingrich on August Zero Job Growth
Newt Gingrich
Statement by Herman Cain: The U.S. Must Stand with Israel
Statement by Senator Santorum on the GDP Growth Downgrade
Statement by Ron Paul on Libya
Ron Paul
Statement by Senator Santorum Reacting To Mayor Bloomberg's Decision To Not Include Clergy At 9/11 Memorial