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Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Achille Lauro Hijacking Incident
Ronald Reagan
Remarks Announcing Bipartisan Support for Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Legislation
Informal Exchange With Reporters in St. Bernard, Ohio
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Margaret M. Heckler To Be United States Ambassador to Ireland and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Informal Exchange With Reporters on Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret M. Heckler
Informal Exchange With Reporters in Knoxville, Tennessee
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Signing the Executive Order Prohibiting Trade and Certain Other Transactions Involving South Africa
Remarks Announcing the Latest Employment Statistics and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985