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Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Green Bay, Wisconsin
Gerald R. Ford
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Fresno, California.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at San Francisco, California.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Charlotte, North Carolina.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Asheville, North Carolina.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Rockford, Illinois.
Exchange With a Reporter on the Florida Primary Election Results.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Champaign, Illinois.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Arrival at Marion, Illinois.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Peoria, Illinois.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Tampa, Florida.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at West Palm Beach, Florida.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Sarasota, Florida.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Boca Raton, Florida.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Inland Daily Press Association
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Keene, New Hampshire.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at St. Petersburg, Florida.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Manchester, New Hampshire.
Exchange With Reporters Following Annual Physical Examination at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Remarks at a News Briefing on the Fiscal Year 1977 Budget.
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate Anne L. Armstrong To Be United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at St. Louis, Missouri.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
Exchange With Reporters on Board Air Force One en Route to Washington, D.C.
Exchange With Reporters in Charleston, West Virginia, Following Passage of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Zionism
Exchange With Reporters on Departure From Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the National Press Club on the Subject of Financial Assistance to New York City
Remarks During a News Briefing on Federal Taxes and Spending.
Remarks to Reporters on Returning From California
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Dallas, Texas.
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Kansas City, Missouri.
Remarks to Reporters Following Assassination Attempt in Sacramento
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Portland, Oregon.
Exchange With Reporters on the Egyptian-Israeli Troop Disengagement Agreement
Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Warwick, Rhode Island.
Exchange With Reporters on Departure From Milwaukee.
Exchange With Reporters Following a United States Court of Appeals Decision on Oil Import Fees.