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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 11237—Prescribing Regulations for Coordinating Planning and the Acquisition of Land Under the Outdoor Recreation Program of the Department of the Interior and the Open Space Program of the Housing and Home Finance Agency
Lyndon B. Johnson
Executive Order 11236—Establishing the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
Executive Order 11235—Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives
Executive Order 11234—Establishing the President's Commission on Crime in the District of Columbia
Executive Order 11233—Adlai E. Stevenson
Executive Order 11232—Suspension of the Provision of Section 5751(b) of Title 10, United States Code, Which Relates to Officers in the Line of the Navy of the Grade of Commander
Executive Order 11231—Establishing the Vietnam Service Medal
Executive Order 11230—Delegating Certain Functions of the President to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget
Executive Order 11229—Participation in the International Coffee Organization
Executive Order 11228—Providing for the Performance by the Civil Service Commission of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President