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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 10255—Further Exemption of Claude L. Draper from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10254—Terminating the Philippine Alien Property Administration and Transferring Its Functions to the Department of Justice
Executive Order 10253—Providing for the Improvement of the Work of Federal Executive Agencies with Respect to Statistical Information
Executive Order 10252—Attaching the Canal Zone to the Internal Revenue Collection District of Florida
Executive Order 10251—Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Department of Defense on Public Work Essential to the National Defense
Executive Order 10250—Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions of the President by the Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 10249—Prescribing Regulations with Respect to Foreign Service Reporting Functions
Executive Order 10248—Transfer of Certain Lands from the Sacramento, California, Land District to the Los Angeles California, Land District
Executive Order 10247—Suspending the Limitations Upon Punishments for Violations of Articles 82, 85, 86(3), 87, 90, 91(1) and (2), 113, and 115 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
Executive Order 10246—Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Land from the Department of the Interior to the Tennessee Valley Authority
Executive Order 10245—Establishing a Commission for the Commemoration of the One Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Executive Order 10244—Designating the Secretary of State and the Attorney General as the Officers to Perform Certain Functions with Respect to the Settlement of Intercustodial Conflicts Relating to Enemy Property
Executive Order 10243—Extension of the Provisions of Part I of Executive Order No. 10210 of February 2, 1951, to the Federal Civil Defense Administration
Executive Order 10242—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exercise by the Federal Civil Defense Administrator of Certain Administrative Authority Granted by the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950
Executive Order 10241—Amending Executive Order No. 9835 Entitled "Prescribing Procedures for the Administration of an Employees Loyalty Program in the Executive Branch of the Government"
Executive Order 10240—Regulations Governing the Separation from the Service of Certain Women Serving in the Regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air Force
Executive Order 10237—Making the Provisions of the Act of August 26, 1950, Public Law 733, 81st Congress, Applicable to the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company
Executive Order 10238—Making Certain Changes in the Customs Field Organization
Executive Order 10239—Exemption of Howell Cone from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 10236—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10129 of June 3, 1950, Establishing the President's Commission on Migratory Labor