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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 9212—Transportation to the United States of Certain Employees Terminating Service with the Panama Canal or the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of Panama
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9211—Authorizing the Division of Central Administrative Services in the Office for Emergency Management, Executive Office of the President, To Acquire and Dispose of Property
Executive Order 9210—Regulations Governing the Payment of Additional Compensation to Enlisted Men of the Navy and Coast Guard Specially Qualified in the Use of Arms
Executive Order 9207—Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Salem, Massachusetts, in Customs Collection District Number 4 (Massachusetts)
Executive Order 9206—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men
Executive Order 9205—Establishing the President's War Relief Control Board and Defining Its Functions and Duties
Executive Order 9204—Coordination of Federal Activities Affecting the Fishery Industry
Executive Order 9203—Authorizing the Procurement Division to Use Manila Fiber Acquired Pursuant To Act of June 7, 1939
Executive Order 9202—Exemption of Oscar L. Moritz From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9201—Exemption of Morris B. Hostetter From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9199—Exemption of Dr. Howard K. Tuttle From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9200—Amending Subdivision II of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 9198—Transfer of Merchant Marine Training Functions
Executive Order 9197—Transferring Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War for Military Purposes
Executive Order 9196—Government Purchases of Prison-Made Goods
Executive Order 9195—Regulations Relating to Aerial Flights by Personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard
Executive Order 9194—Transferring Duties and Functions with Respect to Acquisition and Disposition of Real Estate from the Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks
Executive Order 9193—Amending Executive Order No. 9095 Establishing the Office of Alien Property Custodian and Defining Its Functions and Duties and Related Matters
Executive Order 9191—Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States
Executive Order 9192—Amending Executive Order No. 9140 of April 20, 1942, Establishing the Safford National Wildlife Refuge