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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 13926—Advancing International Religious Freedom
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Remarks Announcing an Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship and an Exchange With Reporters
Executive Order 13925—Preventing Online Censorship
Executive Order 13924—Regulatory Relief To Support Economic Recovery
Executive Order 13923—Establishment of the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force Under Section 741 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act
Remarks at the Owens and Minor, Incorporated, Distribution Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania
Executive Order 13922—Delegating Authority Under the Defense Production Act of 1950 to the Chief Executive Officer of the United States International Development Finance Corporation To Respond to the COVID-19 Outbreak
Executive Order 13921—Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth
Executive Order 13920—Securing the United States Bulk-Power System
Executive Order 13919—Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
Executive Order 13918—Establishment of the Interagency Labor Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement Under Section 711 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act
Executive Order 13917—Delegating Authority Under the Defense Production Act of 1950 With Respect to Food Supply Chain Resources During the National Emergency Caused by the Outbreak of COVID-19
Executive Order 13916—National Emergency Authority To Temporarily Extend Deadlines for Certain Estimated Payments
Executive Order 13915—Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of the Interior
Executive Order 13914—Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources
Executive Order 13913—Establishing the Committee for the Assessment of Foreign Participation in the United States Telecommunications Services Sector
Executive Order 13912—National Emergency Authority To Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
Executive Order 13911—Delegating Additional Authority Under the Defense Production Act of 1950 With Respect to Health and Medical Resources To Respond to the Spread of COVID–19
Executive Order 13910—Preventing Hoarding of Health and Medical Resources To Respond to the Spread of COVID–19
Executive Order 13909—Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of COVID–19
Executive Order 13907—Establishment of the Interagency Environment Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement Under Section 811 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act
Executive Order 13908—Establishment of the Interagency Committee on Trade in Automotive Goods Under Section 202A of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act
Executive Order 13906—Amending Executive Order 13803—Reviving the National Space Council
Executive Order 13905—Strengthening National Resilience Through Responsible Use of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Services
Remarks on Signing an Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States
Executive Order 13904—Ensuring Safe and Lawful E-Commerce for United States Consumers, Businesses, Government Supply Chains, and Intellectual Property Rights
Executive Order 13903—Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States
Executive Order 13902—Imposing Sanctions With Respect to Additional Sectors of Iran
Statement Regarding Executive Order To Impose Sanctions With Respect to Additional Sectors of Iran
Executive Order 13901—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Executive Order 13900—Providing for the Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on December 24, 2019
Remarks at a Hanukkah Reception
Remarks on Signing of an Executive Order Combating Anti-Semitism at a Hanukkah Reception
Executive Order 13899—Combating Anti-Semitism
Remarks on Signing an Executive Order Establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives and an Exchange With Reporters
Executive Order 13898—Establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives
Executive Order 13897—Improving Federal Contractor Operations by Revoking Executive Order 13495
Remarks on Signing an Executive Order on the Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
Executive Order 13896—Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice
Executive Order 13895—President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology