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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 10189—Amendment of Executive Order No. 4601 of March 1, 1927, Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10188—Designating the Honorable Luis Negron-Fernandez as Acting Judge of the Unites States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
Executive Order 10190—Prescribing Regulations Relating to New Trials by Courts-Martial and Other Relief in Navy and Coast Guard Cases
Executive Order 10187—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10011 of October 22, 1948, as Amended Authorizing the Secretary of State to Exercise Certain Powers of the President with Respect to the Granting of Allowances and Allotments to Government Personnel on Foreign Duty
Executive Order 10185—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10166 of October 4, 1950